Xbox player orders game from Amazon and ends up receiving 23 discs of the same game

Xbox player receives 23 discs of the same game from Amazon (Image via Reddit)
Xbox player receives 23 discs of the same game from Amazon (Image via Reddit)

An Xbox player took to Reddit to express their surprise after receiving 23 copies of the game Civilization VI from Amazon. The player had ordered a copy of the popular game. However, they got flooded with multiple copies of the same game.

The player was undoubtedly surprised by this outcome and sought other Redditors' opinions about what to do with the extra disks.

Amazon's goof-up results in a flood of Civilization VI game disks for an Xbox player

Reddit user and gamer u/Ugandan-Kermit posted on the r/gaming subreddit about the incident. The player was worried about storing 22 disks of the game. They were concerned about being perceived as game pirates and facing legal consequences for no-fault. The Redditor asked:

"Can I get in trouble for keeping them?"

Civilization VI is a turn-based strategy game that was released in 2016. Since its release, the game has received mixed reactions from players. The current version is the sixth edition of the Civilization series.

Even though the game was released more than five years ago, there have been multiple expansion packs released since. These expansion packs have kept the players engaged and helped accelerate copies sold.

The post from u/Ugandan-Kermit triggered a discussion within the community about this bizarre incident. Redditors were amazed at how Amazon could make such a massive shipping error. Some speculated on whether this could be an intentional move.

One Reddit user suggested that there must've been a mixup with the deliveries. It is possible that 23 copies of the game were ordered from a store. However, due to the mixup, the OP received the shipment.

Another user speculated that it could have been an intentional move by Amazon to clear out old stock. The game has been out for five years and there could be many unsold copies sitting in a seller's warehouse.

While a few users were trying to theorize how the mess happened in the first place, others made a light note of it. They joked around about what the original poster could do with the extra copies.

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