Completing Accolades in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 is a great way to test your skills in-game. While some are straightforward, others can be rather tricky. Nevertheless, completing them will earn you XP. If nothing else, you will learn to min-max your playstyle and make the most of each match to acquire Accolades.
That said, we have compiled a list of all the Accolades in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 along with how to obtain them.
List of all Accolades in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 and how to acquire them
There are a total of 171 Accolades in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1, spread over nine distinct categories that deal with various aspects of the title. Each will test your ability and understanding of the game to the maximum.
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First In Match

There are 18 First In Match Accolades in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 focused on certain things you can do first in the match. These are:
- Early Bird - First player to pick up a legendary or better item
- Finders Keepers - First player to collect a weapon from an eliminated player
- First Strike - First player to get an elimination
- Quick Exit - First player to be eliminated
- Battle Ready - First player to reach maximum shields
- First Landing - First player to touch the ground
- Smash And Grab - First player to search a chest
- Ammo Ace - First player to search an ammo box
- First Supply Drop - First player to search a supply drop
- First Catch - First player to catch a fish
- Switft Scavenge - First player to forage
- Adventure Buddies - First player to hire a character
- Fast Talker - First player to talk with a character
- The Gift Of Life - First player to reboot a player
- Patch Up, Pronto! - First player to revive a player
- Shopping Spree - First player to purchase an item
- First Modification - First player to modify a weapon
- Shady Help Wanted - First player to complete a SHADOW Briefing
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There are 22 Weapons Accolades in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 focused on combat skills. You will have to use different weapons and learn to be proficient with them. These are:
- Assault Specialist - 500 Assault Rifle damage in a match
- Assault Expert - 1,000 Assault Rifle damage in a match
- Assault Master - 2,000 Assault Rifle damage in a match
- Shotgun Specialist - 500 Shotgun damage in a match
- Shotgun Expert - 1,000 Shotgun damage in a match
- Shotgun Master - 2,000 Shotgun damage in a match
- Sniper Specialist - 500 Sniper Rifle damage in a match
- Sniper Expert - 1,000 Sniper Rifle damage in a match
- Sniper Master - 2,000 Sniper Rifle damage in a match
- SMG Specialist - 500 SMG damage in a match
- SMG Expert - 1,000 SMG damage in a match
- SMG Master - 2,000 SMG damage in a match
- Pistol Specialist - 500 Pistol damage in a match
- Pistol Expert - 1,000 Pistol damage in a match
- Pistol Master - 2,000 Pistol damage in a match
- Explosives Specialist - 500 Explosive damage in a match
- Explosives Expert - 1,000 Explosive damage in a match
- Explosives Master - 2,000 Explosive damage in a match
- Melee Specialist - 500 Melee damage in a match
- Melee Expert - 1,000 Melee damage in a match
- Melee Master - 2,000 Melee damage in a match
- Jack Of All Trades - Deal damage with 5 different weapon types in a match
Also read: All Expertise quests in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1

There are 24 Combat Accolades in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 focused on combat-oriented tasks. These are:
- Single Digit - 5 Eliminations in a match
- Double Digit - 10 Eliminations in a match
- Elimination Collector - 15 Eliminations in a match
- Elimination Hoarder - 20 Eliminations in a match
- Elimination Escapde - 25 Eliminations in a match
- Speed Bump - Hit a player with a vehicle
- Double Elimination - 2 Eliminations within a short duration
- Multi Elimination - 3 Eliminations within a short duration
- Mega Elimination - 4 Eliminations within a short duration
- Ultra Elimination - 5 Eliminations within a short duration
- Epic Elimination - 6 Eliminations within a short duration
- Anti-Air Personnel - Hit an Airborne player
- Headshot - Player downed with a headshot
- Head Hunter - 10 Headshots hit in a match
- Get Ahead - 25 Headshots hit in a match
- Off The Dome - 50 Headshots hit in a match
- First To The Feast - Eliminate a player within 10 seconds of landing
- Distance Shot - Player downed over 100 meters away
- Long Shot - Player downed over 150 meters away
- Ludicrous Shot - Player downed over 200 meters away
- Impossible Shot - Player downed over 250 meters away
- Unfollowed - Eliminated a follower
- Right Back At You - 1,000 Damage to players that have damaged you in a match
- Vengeful Revenge - Eliminate a player that eliminated you in a match
Victory Royale

There are 24 Victory Royale Accolades in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 that emphasize you winning matches under different circumstances. They are:
- Against The World - Win a Squads match as a Solo
- Three To One Odds - Win a Trios match as a Solo
- Two To One Odds - Win a Duos match as a Solo
- Pacifist - Win a match without eliminating an opponent
- True Pacifist - Win a match without damaging an opponent
- This One's For You - Win a match after thanking the Bus Driver
- I'm Fine, Really - Win a match without restoring health
- Who Needs 'Em? - Win a match without using shields
- There's No Time - Win a match without reloading
- This Isn't Zero Build? - Win a match in Build Mode without Building
- One Man's Trash - Only deal damage with Common Weapons and Win
- One Man's Treasure - Only deal damage with Legendary Weapons or better and Win
- Maximum Overshields - Win a match without losing health
- Knife To A Gun Fight - Win a match only dealing melee damage
- One And Done - Win a match only collecting a single weapon
- Cannot be Contained - Win a match without searching containers
- Storm Runner - Win a match without taking storm damage
- Over Throne - Win a match after capturing a player's crown
- Royal Preservation - Win a match with a Victory Crown
- Succession - Captured a Victory Crown
- One Shall Rule - Eliminate a crown wearer while wearing a crown
- Crown Spree - 3 Eliminations while wearing a crown
- Royale Vengeance - 5 Eliminations while wearing a crown
- All Hail The Crown - 10 Eliminations while wearing a crown

There are 17 Survival Accolades in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 that stress survival, your ability to heal/restore shields, and outlast opponents. These are:
- Survivor I - 50 Players remaining
- Survivor II - 25 Players remaining
- Survivor III - 10 Players remaining
- Medical Specialist - 250 Health Restored in a match
- Medical Expert - 500 Health Restored in a match
- Medical Master - 1,000 Health Restored in a match
- Shield Specialist - 250 Shields Restored in a match
- Shield Expert - 500 Shields Restored in a match
- Shield Master - 1,000 Shields Restored in a match
- Can Of Worms - 5 Fish caught in a match
- Fishmonger - 10 Fish caught in a match
- Pescetarian - 15 Fish caught in a match
- Light Breeze - 100 Storm damage survived in a match
- Barely Raining - 250 Storm damage survived in a match
- Batten The Hatches - 500 Storm damage survived in a match
- Actually Use Bandages - Bandages used during a match
- Warm Respite - Health restored using a Campfire

There are 20 Resources Accolades in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 that will test your ability to collect resources and destroy structures during a match. The Resource Accolades are:
- Loot Collector - 5 Chests searched in a match
- Loot Stockpiler - 10 Chests searched in a match
- Loot Hoarder - 20 Chests searched in a match
- Ammo Scrounger - 5 Ammo boxes searched in a match
- Ammo Scavenger - 10 Ammo boxes searched in a match
- Ammo Accumulator - 20 Ammo boxes searched in a match
- Big Spender - 500 Bars spent in a match
- High Roller - 1000 Bars spent in a match
- Compulsive Shopper - 2000 Bars spent in a match
- Gold Rush - 250 Bars collected in a match
- Gilded Glory - 500 Bars collected in a match
- Treasure Trove - 1000 Bars collected in a match
- Demolition Specialist - 50 Structures destroyed in a match
- Demolition Expert - 250 Structures destroyed in a match
- Demolition Master - 500 Structures destroyed in a match
- Village Builder - 50 Structures built in a match
- Town Builder - 100 Structures built in a match
- City Builder - 200 Structures built in a match
- Bottomless Clip - 1,000 Ammo collected in a match
- Resourcefulness - 1,000 Resources collected in a match

There are 23 Social Accolades in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 that will test your ability to coordinate and work alongside teammates during a match. They are:
- Reboot Revenge - Win a match after being Rebooted
- The Royal Party - Each squad member is holding a Victory Crown in a match
- Show Time - 500 Damage to players as the last player standing in your squad
- No One Left Behind - Collected a Reboot Card in the storm in a match
- Stay Down - Eliminated a player that was rebooted in a match
- Eye In The Sky - 5 Map Markers placed while in a squad
- Mending Machine - 250 Health restored to squadmates in a match
- Shield Supervisor - 250 Shields restored to squadmates in a match
- Reboot Van Rebooting... - 3 Reboots in a match
- Support Class - 3 Assists in a match
- Helping Hand - Follower revived player or squad member
- Hype Squad - 60 seconds Jamming with players in a match
- Celebrated Crawler - 50 meters traveled while DBNO
- Relentless - Revived 3 times in match
- Friends Til The End - 100 meters traveled carrying a DBNO opponent
- Carrying - 3 Revives in a match
- Hand Me Downs - 3 Weapons collected dropped by players in a match
- Spare Change - 100 Ammo collected dropped by players in a match
- Head On A Swivel - 10 Opponents marked by Scout Specialists in a match
- Collateral Damage - 250 Damage dealt by Heavy Specialists in a match
- Supplies Inbound - 100 Ammo supplied by Supply Specialists in a match
- Doctor's Orders - 100 Health restored by Medic Specialists in a match
- You Shouldn't Have - 3 Gifts collected from NPCs in a match

There are 13 Special Accolades in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 which are a mix-and-match of achievements that involve all aspects of gameplay, from survival to exploration. Here are the Special Accolades:
- Still Got 'Em - Elimination after being knocked or eliminated
- Graffiti Artist - 10 Sprays in a match
- Emotional Intelligence - 10 Emotes in a match
- Better Late Than Never - Landed after the first storm forms
- Shadow Organization - 2 Shadow Briefings completed in a match
- Flying Fortune - 3 Supply Drones destroyed in a match
- Rift-Tastic - 3 Rifts used in a match
- Only The Best - Have an inventory full of Legendary items or better
- Fruits And Veggies - 5 different Fruits or Vegetables consumed in a match
- Thank You Kindly - Thanked the Bus Driver in a match
- Thank The Conductor - 2500 meters traveled on the train in a match
- Road Rage - 1,000 Damage while in a vehicle in a match
- Road Trip - 2,500 meters traveled in a vehicle

There are 10 Seasonal Accolades in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 which are specific to the current season. They are:
- Cyclone Slashing - 1000 Typhoon Blade damage in a match
- Demonic Race - 1000 Fire Oni Mask in a match
- Demonic Laughter - Void Oni Mask teleportation in a match
- Fiend Slayer - 2 Demon Warriors eliminated in a match
- Demon Hunter - 10 Demon Grunts eliminated in a match
- Waterbound Restoration - 100 Health restored by Water Sprites in a match
- Windbound Restoration - Launched from a Wind Sprite in a match
- Earthbound Belch - Weapon consumed by an Earth Sprite in a match
- Boonderful Bounty - 4 Boons collected in a match
- Power Parkour - 20 Wall Kicks, Wall Scrambles, Ledge Jumps, or Roll Landing in a match
How to acquire Accolades efficiently in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1
When looking to acquire Accolades in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1, note that you can only earn a few in each match. Target a specific set of Accolades that can be completed in a single match to simplify the task. XP will vary depending on the Accolade – it can range from 1,000 to a maximum of 10,000 XP.
Also read: All Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 weekly quests and how to complete them
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- When does Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 end?
- Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 Battle Pass: Full list of every skin from Tier 1 to 100
- All weapons vaulted and unvaulted in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1