Fortnite player struggling to say Kamehameha gets roasted online

Kamehamewhatnow? (Image via Twitter/Obsidianfox0)
Kamehamewhatnow? (Image via Twitter/Obsidianfox0)

Fortnite has players from all around the world. Depending on where they originate and the language they speak, pronociating a few words may become troublesome. Due to this difficulty, certain things get mispronounced, but that's okay, as the community gets along fine. However, at times, this leads to being roasted online.

Following the Dragon Ball Super collaboration, the Kamehameha mythic was added to the game. This was a childhood dream come true for those who have grown up watching/reading anime/manga. They were finally able to energy-beam their opponents from far away.


Within minutes of the item being added in-game, streamers began screaming "kuh·may·huh·may·uh" when using it in combat. However, it would seem that not everyone has been able to grasp the word and pronounce it properly. This has led to some roasting sessions on Twitch and Twitter.

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Fortnite Streamers get roasted for butchering the word Kamehameha

A Twitch streamer named NobletOfU on this livestream showcased two clips of other streamers mispronouncing the word Kamehameha.

Usually, most people say the word correctly, while some manage to mess up pronouncing the tail end of it. However, these two streamers managed to create a whole new world. NobletOfU started by saying:

"Do you guys want to see it? I'm sure quite a few of you have already seen how bad it is. So, do you guys want to see some real salt of the Earth cringe? If you guys haven't seen it yet, inside Fortnite, they've added Goku and Vegeta. Now, there are plenty of people who apparently have never seen Dragon Ball Z."

Rather than continue elaborating further, NobletOfU asked his viewers if they'd seen "this," smirked, and played the video for his fans. Here's a clip in which the Fortnite streamer/content creator butchered the word with absolute confidence.


Rather than saying Kamehameha, the streamer ended up saying "Kemehamama." The comment section became hysterical after hearing how the word was pronounced. But that wasn't the end of it. NobletOfU ended the clip and started another one while saying, "It gets worse. There's another one."

The second streamer ended up saying something like "Kamehameahami." At this point, it doesn't even mean anything. It's just a random combination of words. Although the stream occurred a few days ago, the Fortnite community and Dragon Ball fans worldwide have been able to stop laughing.

But jokes aside, some netizens feel that things have gone too far. While a bit of "trolling" is okay, sometimes it can be too much. On the flip side of that argument, it has to be said that these streamers decided to upload the video with the wrong pronunciation of their own free will.

Such being the case, they knew the risks associated with doing so and the probability of being "trolled" for days and perhaps weeks. On that note, practicing specific words before livestreaming and risk becoming a "meme" on social media is a good idea.

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