Where are all the Jonesy NPCs located in Fortnite Season 6: All Jonesy locations

Where are all the Jonesy NPCs located in Fortnite Season 6: All Jonesy locations (Image via Sportskeeda)
Where are all the Jonesy NPCs located in Fortnite Season 6: All Jonesy locations (Image via Sportskeeda)

Fortnite Season 6 recently received the v16.20 update and it comes with a new challenge where players have to find all the Jonesy locations in-game.

Agent Jonesy is perhaps the most popular character in Fortnite. In a way, he is the protagonist of this epic narrative.

In the Season 6 official cinematic, fans saw Jonesy betraying the Imagined Order to contain the Zero Point. He teamed up with the Foundation to restore the balance in Season 6.

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All Jonesy locations in Fortnite (Image via Fortnite.gg)
All Jonesy locations in Fortnite (Image via Fortnite.gg)

As soon as the season began, players started to notice several NPC Jonesy locations in Fortnite.

This article will focus on all NPC Jonesy locations in Fortnite Season 6 so that players can complete the challenge easily.

Where are all the NPC Jonesy locations in Fortnite Season 6

Epic Games recently released the v16.20 update for Season 6, which brings a new set of Spire Quests to the game. One of these challenges focuses on all Jonesy locations in Fortnite.

There are a total of four versions of NPC Jonesy in Fortnite Season 6. All the Jonesy locations in Fortnite Season 6 are as follows:

  • Slurp Jonesy location - Slurpy Swamp
  • Jonesy the First location - Pleasant Park
  • Castaway Jonesy location - On the island North of Steamy Stacks
  • Bunker Jonesy location - Misty Meadows or Catty Corner or Holly Hedges
  • Wreck Raider location - Coral Castle
  • Rex location – Dusted Depot
  • Grill Sergeant location – Durr Burger Food Truck near Pleasent Park
  • Suntan Specialist location – Sweaty Sands
  • Cabbie location – Lazy Lake

Bunker Jonesy locations in Fortnite keep changing, and players can find him at various locations. Besides the aforementioned POIs, he is found at different landmarks like Rainbow Rentals, Lockie's Lighthouse, Pristine Point.


The Spire Quests added in v16.20 require players to travel to these NPC Jonesy locations in Fortnite. They will have to converse with the NPC in order to complete the challenge.

Players will get a whopping 45000 XP for completing this challenge in Fortnite Season 6.

Since this is an in-game challenge, these Jonesy locations in Fortnite are going to be highly contested. Players need to keep an eye out for campers as they look to rack up easy eliminations.

The best way to deal with these challenges at various Jonesy locations is by building a defensive box around the NPC. This will help players stay safe from opponents who would camp in these specific areas.

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