Does Smoking Help with Weight Loss? 

Does smoking impacts your weight? (Image via Unsplash/ Reza Mehrad)
Does smoking impacts your weight? (Image via Unsplash/ Reza Mehrad)

Smoking and its effects on health have been under the microscope for some time now. One question that often comes up is, does smoking cause weight loss? Smoking and obesity are two leading causes of significant health issues worldwide. However, a trend that's been gaining steam lately is using smoking for weight control.

Some people have taken the view that despite its overwhelmingly harmful health effects, smoking could be the answer to weight loss. While this is certainly untrue, the idea likely comes from seeing that smokers often weigh less than people who don't smoke.

Disclaimer - Please note that this article does not intend to promote any harmful or negative habits and is only for information purposes. Please consult healthcare professionals for medical advises.

The Relationship Between Smoking and Body Weight

Link between smoking and body weight (Image via unsplash/ pawel czerwinski)
Link between smoking and body weight (Image via unsplash/ pawel czerwinski)

Several studies show that smokers usually weigh less than people who don't smoke. The research conducted by Institute of Health and Wellbeing, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom mentions that smokers are less likely to become obese, which may give some people the idea that it could be a weight-loss solution.

It even explains that adult smokers usually gain weight when they quit smoking. Over time, they warned, smoking can lead to weight gain and other adverse health outcomes. Does that make smoking a weight loss trick? To know, let's check out how smoking changes body weight.

How Does Smoking Affect Body Weight?

Impact on body weight (Image via freepik/ rawpixel)
Impact on body weight (Image via freepik/ rawpixel)

The science behind the impact of smoking on weight loss is complex, and research is ongoing. However, one theory that has gained attention suggests smoking might boost metabolism, leading to a higher rate of calorie burn.

Smoking can raise your adrenaline, which may lower hunger and make your body burn more calories. However, this adrenaline rush also leads to an increase in blood pressure, breathing rate, and heart rate. That means, the overall negative effect of smoking on health far overshadows metabolism benefits.

The Role of Nicotine

Effect of nicotine on our body (Image via Unsplash/ afif ramdhasuma)
Effect of nicotine on our body (Image via Unsplash/ afif ramdhasuma)

Nicotine, the addictive thing in smokes, might suppress hunger and lower how many calories you take in. However, this effect doesn't last long and can lead to eating too much and gaining weight once the nicotine's impact fades away.

Recent studies conducted by University of Arkansas for Medical Science, Little Rock, AR, show nicotine can trigger the brain's reward system. This can speed up your metabolism and lessen hunger.

However, these positive effects are usually temporary. Plus, these same studies also highlight the adverse effects of smoking. Although it's true that smokers tend to weigh less than non-smokers, the high health risk of smoking far exceeds any potential weight loss benefits.

Smoking Initiation and Weight Change

The initiation of smoking and its impact (Image via Unsplash/ andres siimon)
The initiation of smoking and its impact (Image via Unsplash/ andres siimon)

Starting to smoke can lower body weight, studies suggest. But if that's true, exercise and healthy eating still make for better weight loss methods. In fact, it's important to know that starting to smoke can lead to weight gain only over time.

Research has shown that smokers usually gain weight after quitting smoking. Even those who continue to smoke often gain weight. The most notable reasons include increased appetite and metabolic changes. Insulin resistance, where body cells become less responsive to insulin, might increase weight gain in long-term smokers. This can cause the body to store more fat and become less efficient at burning calories.

The Negative Impact of Smoking on Health

The damage caused by smoking (Image via Freepik)
The damage caused by smoking (Image via Freepik)

While smokers may weigh less than those who don't smoke, keep in mind that smoking carries major health dangers. It can cause severe problems, including an increased risk of death. Scientists have found that smoking might increase metabolism in some, leading to higher calorie burn.

However, this slight increase can depend on various individual factors and, in the end, smoking could actually reduce overall energy levels and physical activity, damaging metabolism.

In conclusion, smoking may appear attractive for weight control, but remember that any potential positives are all due to nicotine. This habit-forming substance is in tobacco and may lead to many health problems. The most damaging effect of nicotine is that it's addictive. A person might kick off with only a few cigarettes and then end up smoking them a lot and that can badly harm their health.

While individuals must make their choices, knowledge and understanding are essential. Knowing that the negatives of smoking far outweigh any possible slimming effects is critical when considering smoking as a weight-loss method.

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