5 Exercises That Will Help You Get Rid of Dowager’s Hump

Dowager’s hump is caused by chronic forward-leaning. (Photo via Pexels/Karolina Grabowska)
Dowager’s hump is caused by chronic forward-leaning. (Photo via Pexels/Karolina Grabowska)

Dowager’s hump is a prevalent condition among both men and women. It can be referred to as thoracic kyphosis, a curved hunch formed in the upper spine.

While the most common cause of Dowager’s hump is chronic forward-leaning, several other causes can also lead to misalignment of the spine. This includes poor posture, hunched sitting, osteoporosis, slouching when standing up, Scheuermann’s kyphosis, and repetitive positions, such as sitting in the same position for a long time.

Dowager’s hump can lead to severe complications if not treated in time, including migraines, tension and pain in the shoulders and neck, cervical spine disc degeneration, shoulder impingement syndrome, and so on.

The good news is that Dowager’s hump is preventable and reversible. Some exercises can help eliminate the issue from its roots and make you feel much better.

Exercises to get rid of Dowager’s hump

While medications and surgeries can treat Dowager’s hump, specific exercises must be tried before opting for other treatments.

1) Bird dog


The bird dog is a great exercise to prevent Dowager’s hump. It targets your lumbar back muscles, works on your core strength, and offers full-body benefits.

To do this exercise:

  • Take a tabletop position on your knees and hands, and place your hands under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips. Engage your core muscles.
  • Raise your right arm and bring it forward until it gets aligned with your upper body. At the same time, extend your left leg straight back.
  • Do not curve your lower back as you do this. Try to maintain a straight line throughout your body.
  • Hold the position for five seconds before returning to your initial position.
  • Repeat the exercise with your opposite leg and arm. Alternate 10 times.

2) Thoracic spine foam rolling


Thoracic spine foam rolling eases tightness in the upper back muscles and helps prevent back pain.

To do this exercise:

  • Lie straight on a flat surface and position your hands behind your head. Keep a foam roller under your upper back.
  • Maintain this position, and start to roll up and down on the foam roller at your mid back and try to move towards your shoulders.
  • As you roll up and down, ensure that your abs are tight and use your legs to initiate the movement.
  • Do the exercise for a few seconds.

3) Chin tucks


Chin tucks are another straightforward and highly-effective exercise for Dowager’s hump. It helps align the cervical spine to the thoracic spine and also helps promote good posture.

To do this exercise:

  • Sit or stand straight with your feet on a flat floor and positioned at a shoulder-width distance.
  • Now move your neck back by bringing your head forward as if you were making a double chin. Hold the position for 5 seconds and then return to the start.
  • You can also use two fingers and place them on your chin to push your neck back.
  • Complete 10 reps.

4) Cat-cow stretch


The cat-cow stretch is an outstanding yoga pose proven to be very beneficial in reducing Dowager’s hump. It alleviates the pain and discomfort that you might be experiencing due to the neck hump.

To do this exercise:

  • Get on your fours with your head straight and stable.
  • Slowly lift your back towards the ceiling. While doing this, ensure that you bring your face inwards and look straight at your torso.
  • From there, push your back inwards and move your gaze towards the ceiling.
  • Repeat both movements for a few seconds, and switch between both slowly.

5) Prone TYIs


Prone TYIs are an effective exercise to eliminate a neck hump and strengthen your upper back. This move improves your posture and is also suitable for your shoulder blades.

To do this exercise:

  • Lie on your belly on a flat surface.
  • Bring your arms to your sides with your thumbs up towards the ceiling to create a T shape. Hold the position.
  • Bring your arms down and then move them at an angle over your head to create a Y shape. Hold the position.
  • Lastly, reach your arms forward with your fingertips pointing straight to create an I shape.
  • Hold all three positions for five seconds and repeat the exercise for three sets.


Perform this exercise sequence daily for a few weeks to see noticeable changes in your Dowager’s hump, posture, and shoulder and neck pain. Regular exercises will offer you long-term benefits and help you stand and sit appropriately while maintaining the correct spine alignment.

While doing the exercises mentioned above, keep the movements slow and do not rush. Take time to complete each exercise for a few good reps and relax between sets. Do not overstretch or overstrain your muscles too quickly.

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