5 Effective Kettlebell Exercises You Might Have Overlooked

Kettlebell exercises worth adding to your workout routine! (Image via Unsplash/Outlook Photography and Studio)
Kettlebell exercises worth adding to your workout routine (Image via Unsplash/Outlook Photography and Studio)

Kettlebell exercises work on the muscles in a slightly different way than dumbbells or barbells.

Some benefits provided by these exercises include increased strength, improved explosive movement, enhanced power in lower body, and more. Kettlebell is a versatile piece of equipment that can improve overall fitness and is low-impact on the joints.

Best and Effective Kettlebell Exercises for Your Workout

Kettlebell exercises (Image via Pexels/Pixabay)
Kettlebell exercises (Image via Pexels/Pixabay)

In this article, we have curated a list of five best and effective kettlebell exercises you may have not included in your workout routine:

1) Goblet Squat

It can engage the hamstring, butt, and quadriceps. This exercise can help you get toned thighs, greater core stability, and strengthened glute muscles.

How to do goblet squats?

  • Start in a standing position, with your feet placed apart wider than hip distance and toes pointed outwards.
  • Clutch the kettlebell in both hands by the handle, and position it by your chest. Keep your chest lifted and core muscles engaged.
  • Lower your body into the squatting position by bending the knees. Push back to the standing position, and repeat.

2) Reverse Lunge

It engages the quadriceps and glutes. The unilateral aspect of the exercise can help in development of balanced strength and muscle mass on both sides.

How to do reverse lunges?

  • Start in an elongated position and feet apart at shoulder distance while grasping the kettlebell in both palms.
  • Raise one foot before taking a wide step to the back and lunging down to the ground.
  • Both knees should make an angle of about 90 degrees, with your rear knee hovering right above the ground and front knee in alignment with the foot.
  • Drive your body back to the starting position, and swap sides.

3) Kettlebell Swing

Kettlebell swings (Image via Pexels/Binyamin Mellish)
Kettlebell swings (Image via Pexels/Binyamin Mellish)

It works the lower back, legs, and butt. This exercise can also help burn a high number of calories while facilitating toning of the body.

How to do kettlebell swings?

  • Start in an elongated standing position with your feet apart at hip distance while grasping the handle of kettlebell in both palms and positioning them in front of you extended.
  • Slightly bend your knees before hinging from your hips and swinging the weight in between your legs.
  • Aggressively push your hips to the front to assume a straight standing position and bringing the kettlebell to chest height. Drive the weight downward with control, and repeat.

4) Kettlebell Halo

Kettlebell rack squat (Image via Pexels/Anastasia Piacquadio)
Kettlebell rack squat (Image via Pexels/Anastasia Piacquadio)

It engages the core muscles, chest muscles, and shoulders. This exercise can also help build strength in the upper body and tone the arms.

How to do kettlebell halo?

  • Begin in a standard half kneeling position with one knee and foot pressed onto the ground while both knees are bent at 90 degrees.
  • Alternatively, you can perform the exercise in a straight standing position with your legs apart at hip distance.
  • Grasp the handle of the kettlebell in both palms, and hold it to the front of your chest. Bring your weight to eye level before gently circling it in acounter clockwise direction around your head.
  • Make sure to keep your core tightened and elbow tucked to your body throughout the movement. Repeat in clockwise direction.

5) Bent-Over Row

This kettlebell exercise engages the back and biceps. It can also help in toning the biceps along with building back strength by engaging the rhomboids.

How to do bent-over rows?

  • Begin in a straight standing position while grasping the kettlebell by its handles in both hands.
  • Engage your core before hinging to the front by your hips and driving your butt, keeping the knees slightly bent.
  • Bring your upper torso to the front so that it's almost parallel to the ground.
  • Your weight and hand should be hanging towards the ground. Row them to your shoulders before reversing the movement. Repeat.

Bottom Line

The aforementioned kettlebell exercises are among the best and effective ones to incorporate in your workout routine.

These kettlebell exercises are extremely versatile, as they work on multiple muscle groups simultaneously. They also facilitate in fat loss by burning calories and building overall strength.

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