Kettlebell Exercises for Abs - 5 Moves to Work up Your Entire Core

Kettlebell exercises for abs add a variety to workout routines. (Photo via Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)
Kettlebell exercises for abs add variety to workout routine. (Photo via Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)

Kettlebell exercises for abs are a great way to target and strengthen the entire core muscle. These exercises add a variety to your workout routine and also amp up your abs training.

Kettlebells are one of the most versatile tools for strengthening the core, as they allow you to perform several dynamic movements while stabilizing the entire abdominal region. Certain kettlebell exercises for abs give out full body benefits, burn calories, and help develop massive muscle and strength as well.

Best kettlebell exercises for abs

Here’s a look at the five best kettlebell workouts to fire up your core muscles:

1) Kettlebell Russian twist

The kettlebell Russian twist is one of the staples and most effective kettlebell exercises for the abs. It targets the entire abdominal area and helps attain six-pack abs. This exercise helps reduce love handles or side fat too.

To do the exercise:

  • Lie flat on your back with your knees bent, and hold a kettlebell between your hands.
  • Lift your torso to create a 'V' shape with your body. Engage your abs, and start to twist to your right while bringing the weight to the same direction.
  • Twist back to the starting position, and repeat on the other side.
  • Repeat the exercise for a few reps.

2) Kneeling woodchop

The kneeling woodchop is one of the best kettlebell exercises for abs that particularly target the obliques. The key to getting the most out of the exercise is to keep the hips stable as you execute the chop motion with your arms.

To do the exercise:

  • Kneel with your right knee on the floor and left foot planted in the front. Keep your left knee bent at 90 degrees, and hold a kettlebell using both hands.
  • With your arms slightly bent and abs engaged, move the kettlebell up and across your body diagonally till it reaches above your left shoulder.
  • Slowly reverse the movement, and bring the kettlebell back to the start. Repeat the exercise; switch sides, and continue.

3) Turkish get-up

The Turkish get-up is one of the most challenging yet very productive kettlebell exercises or abs.

This exercise challenges balance and helps improve it by teaching you to control your movements. While doing this exercise, ensure that you hold the kettlebell properly and keep the elbow from bending.

To do the exercise:

  • Lie on your back, and grab a kettlebell with your left arm.
  • Keep your legs at a 45-degree angle, and bend your left leg. Place your left foot on the floor.
  • Move your right arm out at a 45-degree angle, and use it for support as you push off with your left foot. As you push, keep the weight up, and press through your right elbow for better balance.
  • Lift your right leg, and lower yourself using your right ankle. Stand back up while pressing through your left foot, and keep your elbows and wrist straight.

4) Plank pull-through

The plank pull-through is one of the best full body kettlebell exercises for the abs that not only targets the midsection but also trains the arms, back, and certain muscles in the lower body, including the hamstrings and glutes.

To do the exercise:

  • Start in a straight high plank position. Place the kettlebell behind your right hand.
  • With your abs tight, reach for the kettlebell with your left hand by sliding it outside your left side. Keep your hips stable as you do the movement.
  • Hold the kettlebell with your right hand, and bring it back to the starting position.
  • Continue alternating sides, and do the exercise a few more times.

5) Windmill

The windmill is another great kettlebell exercise for the abs that specifically target the stabilizer muscles in the core. This exercise helps develop mobility and stability in the shoulders, core, and hips and also trains the entire trunk.

To do the exercise:

  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width distance. Hold a kettlebell in your right hand.
  • Tighten your abs, and press the weight just above your right shoulder while keeping your arm locked and extended straight. Ensure that your elbows are close to your eyes.
  • Turn your left foot out, and reach your left arm down towards your left leg till it reaches the mid-shin or knee. Keep your gaze up at the kettlebell.
  • Return to the starting position, and repeat the exercise.

Bottom Line

While the aforementioned kettlebell exercises for abs are effective and suitable for all fitness levels, you must be careful when performing them.

As a rule of thumb, always start the exercises with a lighter kettlebell, especially if you're a beginner. It's also important to focus on achieving the right form with each move, as incorrect form can lead to strains and muscle injuries.

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