Struggling with Freckles? Understand What Might be Causing Them

What are freckles? (image by master1305 on freepik)
What are freckles? (image by master1305 on freepik)

Freckles are small brown spots that develop in specific areas such as the face and hands that are commonly exposed in the sunlight. Although they are generally harmless, the difficult nature of these spots, mostly pigmented, needs a closer look. There are many types of lesions, but freckles have their own uniqueness. Even though they don't pose any health risks, they still need proper medical attention.

There are many measures that can be followed in advance to prevent these marks from appearing on your face. In this article, we will explore the different kinds of freckles, the factors responsible for these marks, and how to avoid them.

Factors responsible for freckles and how are they different

Are freckles some sort of disorder? (image by freepik on freepik)
Are freckles some sort of disorder? (image by freepik on freepik)

Freckles are majorly of two kinds, ephelides and solar lentigines. Ephelides are the typical ones that are caused by exposure to sunlight, and occurs on the face, hands, and upper body. Meanwhile, solar lentigines are developed during adulthood and look nothing like freckles. Instead, they appear as dark patches.

The causes of freckles are as follows:

UV radiation

As we all know, being exposed to the sun is the primary cause of these brown spots or other origin of UV radiation. Exposure to the sun can increase the amount of melatonin in the body that the body produces as protection, but in return, melanin darkens the skin, and brown spots appear on the face.

Genetic inheritance

In some people, freckles appear due to genetic inheritance as the MC1R gene for the production of melanin that can guide the skin to respond in a certain way when exposed to UV radiation.

People who have special genetic traits like fair complexion, red hair, and different color of eyes other than the regular brown and black, are more prone to the risk of these small brown spots.

Type of skin

People with fair complexion are more prone for these brown spots to appear. Light skin toned individuals have less melanin production in their body, but whenever exposed to the sun, the spots appear more quickly than dark skinned people.

Color of hair

The hair color of people can also be a cause of the formation of small brown spots, as people who have red or blonde hair are more prone to developing these pigmented marks. These individuals are mostly fair in skin tone and are more likely to develop these brown spots.

Type of melanin

There are several types of melanin involved, and it depends on the production of the type of melanin and how an individual will react to the exposure to UV radiation to determine your freckles.

Pheomelanin is linked with fair complexion, red or blonde hair, and brown spots. The ones with more pheomelanin in their body are more prone to get easily affected by sun exposure and will ultimately develop marks.


An imbalance of hormones is another cause of developing freckles. During pregnancy, women often tend to develop brown spots. Individuals who take oral contraceptives are more likely to have these spots appear on their faces too. Hormonal changes enhance the production of melanin that result in the appearance of these pigmented marks.

Preventive measures for freckles

Excess melanin production causes the development of brown spots (image by freepik on freepik)
Excess melanin production causes the development of brown spots (image by freepik on freepik)

Freckles are mostly harmless, but it can be a sign of skin cancer. Melanoma is a malignant skin cancer, and these brown spots are a symptom of it. Normal spots are fine, but as soon as they change their size, shape, color, or number, seeking medical help would be the best option.

Keeping yourself shielded from excessive UV radiation can help reduce the development of melanin in the body, which ultimately lowers the occurrence of brown spots. Using hats, lip balms, and sunscreen containing SPF, and not getting in direct contact with sunlight will help reduce the appearance of these pigmented marks. Some surgeries can remove these brown spots as well, such as cryosurgery and laser therapy.

Freckles are not a sign of any danger or disease, but they are small brown spots that usually occur due to excess melanin production that happens because of sun exposure that contains UV radiation. It still needs some medical attention and getting it checked early is beneficial.

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