Former UFC fighter makes controversial claims about Ukrainian president being more famous than Jesus Christ in USA

Jake Shields (left) and Volodymyr Zelenskyy (right) (Image credits Getty Images and @POTUS on Twitter)
Jake Shields (left) and Volodymyr Zelenskyy (right) [Image credits: Getty Images and @POTUS on Twitter]

Volodymyr Zelenskyy recently made his address along with Joe Biden on the fourth day of Hanukkah, and former UFC fighter Jake Shields shared his take on the Ukrainian president's appearance at the White House. The president has been a symbol of courage and bravery for his country and its people. The UFC veteran tweeted out saying:

"In America, Zelensky is more loved and celebrated than Jesus"

Volodymyr Zelenskyy was on his first trip out of his country since Russia invaded Ukraine, and visited the United States to spread his message to the world.

Joe Biden stated in his address:

"This year has brought so much needless suffering for and loss to the Ukrainian people. But I want you to know, President Zelenskyy... the American people are with you every step of the way. And we will stay with you, we will stay with you for as long as it takes."

The American president also announced that the US would provide Ukraine with $1.85 billion in military assistance.

Zelenskyy, who spoke mainly through a translator, thanked Biden and stated that with American support, they would be able to overcome the perilous time they are in.

Former UFC fighter Jake Shields criticizes the US administration for prioritizing Ukraine

Following the recent partnership between the United States and Ukraine, many Americans are not impressed with the amount of funding Ukraine received. Jake Shields is one such person who is not impressed with what he saw.

Shields put out out a series of tweets about how instead of focusing on the problems inside America, they are focusing on international relations:

"Our politicians prioritize Ukraine and Isreal over America"

He added:

"Life in America is on the decline in almost every aspect and our politician's number one priority is funding a proxy war in Ukraine"

He then took a dig at the people in power:

"I'm running for president in 2024 and my slogan will be Ukraine first At least ill be honest unlike our current politicians"

Jake Shields, who made his UFC debut in 2010, believes that instead of giving out funding and looking to secure international relations, the administration should focus on the United States itself with the numerous problems it faces.

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