4 famous lines by Joey Tribbiani on Friends

Joey from Friends (Image via IMDb)
Joey from Friends (Image via IMDb)

Joey Tribbiani, as almost everyone knows, is a front-row character from the ever-popular TV series Friends. Played by Matt LeBlanc, the character has a galaxy of memorable lines and catchphrases to offer throughout the series that are memorable to date.

Here, we are going to briefly talk about 4 of them, that fans would love to hear over and over again.

Joey Tribbiani and his never-ending stock of catchphrases

1) Joey doesn't share food!

Well, those who have watched Friends over and over again know that Joey is a big-time foodie. Time and again, he has proven that he can even take a bullet for a sandwich.

Throughout the series, viewers have come across several such instances where he has made it clear how obsessed he is with food, and under no circumstances is willing to share it - even if there's a child in front of him!

2) The line is a dot to you!


Joey Tribbiani will always be one of the most humorous characters from Friends. It doesn't matter if he is having a gala time, or going through a rough patch in life, he will always have those iconic lines coming. Even if he is mad at something, he would prefer to express that in how own sarcastic way.

Such an instance happened when he found out that he was cheated on by his girlfriend, and the third person involved was his roommate. Chandler, trying to justify himself, said, "I was totally over the line."

In response, Joey said:

"Over the line? You're so far past the line you can't even see the line. The line is a dot to you!"

3) How you doin'?


If there is one line that represents Friends, it's this one. Considered the most popular line from Joey Tribbiani, this catchphrase has been used several times during the show when Joey was onscreen.

His go-to tool for asking women out, this phrase has even landed him in trouble - like when he tried to use it on Rachel's younger sister!

4) Is it obvious I'm wearing six sweaters?

Joey Tribbiani is a pretty romantic character. Throughout the sitcom's tenure, he had the been in several relationships. In the fifth episode, "The One With The Girl Who Hits Joey," he was with a girl called Katie.

Katie was short and no one took Joey's relationship with her seriously, even when he complained about Katie hitting her. Thus, to make things look obvious, he met Rachel wearing numerous sweaters and threw this iconic line at her.

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