Fans pay an emotional tribute as TikTok sensation Georgie Boy monkey, aka George, passes away

Georgie Boy, aka George who passed away after a regular checkup at the vet
Georgie Boy, aka George who passed away after a regular checkup at the vet

TikTok's favorite monkey George, also known as Georgie Boy, is no more. He grabbed attention for adorably opening packages in clips shared on TikTok. George's family recently announced that he passed away on 7th June, Monday at the age of 12. It happened after a regular checkup at the vet that went wrong.

His family shared the news of George's death in a video on TikTok. The caption said, “We love you, George.” Family members said that he went to the vet for a routine dental check-up. However, complications with anesthesia during the procedure led to a prolonged fight for his life.

Thousands of people sent their prayers to George. Fans collectively hoped he would make it. While sharing the tragic news, George’s family said,

“On June 7th at 4 pm, Central Georgie Boy passed away. George was a light when things seemed dark. And he was a reminder of the love that exists in all of us. Though the fun-loving life of George is left, his spirit of hope and love lives on. We love you, George.”

George lived with a couple in Texas. He was initially brought on as an emotional support animal. He lived with the family for around 10 years.

Also read: TikTok monkey with 17.6 million followers tragically dies

George slowly became famous because of his adorable videos of opening packages. His videos were posted on TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram, where he used to open gifts from fans worldwide. It included things like snacks, toys, fan art, stickers, and more.

Online reactions George's death

Reacting to George’s tragic death, TikTok star Remi Bader said,

“I feel like this is a bad dream… I’m hysterically crying. My heart is broken and I can’t imagine how you’re feeling. The videos of George made me and my dad so happy and I can’t believe this.”

George had a massive following, with around 17.6 million followers and 202.6 million likes on TikTok. He was featured in videos posted by the TikTok handle @heresyourmonkeycontent.

Also read: The terrible death of a TikTok monkey with 17.6 million followers

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