In a chilling incident, Kenneth Darlington, a 77-year-old lawyer and professor, fatally shot two environmental protesters blocking the Panama Highway. The victims, identified as Abdiel Diaz, a teacher and union activist, and Ivan Mendoza, were reportedly protesting a controversial mining contract that allowed Canada-based First Quantum Minerals to operate Panama's largest pit copper mine for several years.
During the third week of the protest held on Pan-American Highway in Chame, 51 miles from the capital Panama City, Kenneth Darlington, who holds dual citizenship in the US and Panama, was reportedly driving along the road swarmed with protestors on Wednesday, November 8, 2023.
Trigger Warning: This article contains videos depicting violence. Viewer discretion is advised.
One of the multiple clips circulating online showed a frustrated Darlington walking from his car, directing protestors to get out of the way. Shortly after, we see Darlington pulling out a gun while seemingly arguing with the protestors. Moments later, the suspect, seen standing before three men, opened fire, killing one of them on the scene. The second victim was reportedly rushed to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
Per multiple reports, Darlington, who was taken into custody at the scene, was expected to be sentenced to house arrest rather than being sent to jail due to his mature age.
Kenneth Darlington was arrested in 2005 for possession of war weapons
The chilling video of lawyer and professor Kenneth Darlington killing two climate protestors blocking the Panama highway has gone viral, amassing millions of views. The incident occurred as protests continued into their third week after a controversial mining contract was ratified, allowing Canada-based First Quantum Minerals to operate Panama's largest pit copper mine for an additional 20 years.
The protestors, who believed the contract could lead to significant environmental threats, had blocked off the Pan-American Highway in Chame, 51 miles from the capital Panama City.
In the wake of the incident, multiple reports have suggested that Darlington could be sentenced to house arrest due to his age. The unverified reports have sparked outrage, considering Darlington has a criminal history dating back to 2005.
According to NewsRoom Panama, in 2005, Kenneth Darlington was arrested after a raid on an apartment in Paitilla for possession of various assault weapons, including two M-1 rifles and an AK-47.
The 77-year-old, who was released on bail after claiming that war weapons were part of a collection, was reportedly also linked to financier Marc Harris, who was convicted of money laundering in the United States.
Per a Facebook profile that appeared to belong to the suspect, Kenneth Darlington studied at Florida State University and Isae Universidad Panama, and he worked as a university teacher. Meanwhile, a social media user, Rob Brown, who works for the founder of International Film Festival Panama, alleged the suspect operated a law firm, Mossack Darlington & Associates, in Panama.
Meanwhile, in a post on X (formerly known as Twitter), Panama President Laurentino Cortizo sent his condolences to the families of the two citizens who lost their lives in the violent incident.