The fifth episode of The Bachelor aired on Monday night, leaving fans curious about the upcoming installment. The latest episode ended with Clayton Echard taking Genevieve Parisi and Shanae Ankney on a 2-on-1 date.
For those unaware, every season of the dating series features a 2-on-1 date where the lead goes on a date with two women. By the end of the day, if he feels a deep connection with one of them, he returns with that person, leaving the other stranded.
Echard will spend time with Parisi and Ankney at Niagara Falls this season. Parisi can be seen super-tensed as she is aware of Ankney’s tactics and fears of being evicted from the show.
Preview shows Clayton Echard questioning Genevieve Parisi’s loyalty
A preview clip of The Bachelor Episode 6 aired after the latest episode ended. It featured Echard sitting on a bench between the two ladies and questioning Parisi’s loyalty. Much tension can be felt among the three cast members, and Parisi looked annoyed when Echard asked her whether she was being manipulative and a liar.
Echard then got up and left with one rose in hand to think about what to do next. Meanwhile, Ankney can be seen confessing on camera that she would like to push Parisi into Niagara Falls. She claimed to be working towards kicking Parisi out of the show as she did with Elizabeth Corrigan and Sierra Jackson.
Only time will tell whether Echard will realize his mistake or repeat it by giving a rose to Ankney. The Bachelor Episode 6 will air on ABC on Monday, February 14, at 8.00 pm Eastern Time (ET).
The Bachelor Episode 5 recap
In Episode 5, Ankney brought a lot of drama, including her crocodile tears and fake apology. Echard ignored other suitresses’ complaints against Ankney and thus gave her the last rose.
Lyndsey Windham, Jill Chin, and Sierra Jackson didn’t receive the rose and left the show. The suitresses who are safe until the next episode are Parisi, Ankney, Teddi Wright, Susie Evans, Eliza Isichei, Mara Agrait, Hunter Haag, Gabby Windey, Sarah Hamrick, Serene Russell, Rachel Recchia, and Marlena Wesh.
The fifth episode also welcomed comedian Russell Peters, who roasted Echard and host Jesse Palmer. The suitresses then got the opportunity to burn their fellow contestants and Echard.
The handsome hunk went on two one-on-one dates in the latest installment of The Bachelor. The first one was with Russell to an amusement park and the second date was with Windey.