The End Is Nye is a much-awaited and highly intriguing science documentary series hosted by the Emmy Award-winning Bill Nye, who is famously known as the Science Guy. It is all set to air on the popular streaming service Peacock on Thursday, August 25, 2022, at 3.01 a.m.
Brannon Braga has acted as the director and showrunner of the brand new Peacock series. Braga has also served as the executive producer of the series, along with Bill Nye, Erica Huggins, and Seth MacFarlane. The science docuseries has been co-created by Seth MacFarlane and Brannon Braga.
Apart from Bill Nye, the upcoming science docuseries will feature Joanna Mandap, Isabella Astbury, Malik Bouabid, Willow Astbury, Zag Dorison, Seth MacFarlane and a few others.
Without further ado, let's jump right in to find out all about the brand new docuseries, ahead of its premiere on Peacock.
The much-anticipated and highly absorbing science docuseries will be released this Thursday, August 25, 2022, exclusively on Peacock. The airtime of the docuseries is 3:01 a.m. It is all set to be a six-part series, with each episode being approximately 45 minutes long.
The creator, director, and executive producer of the series, Brannon Braga, said while talking about the brand new docuseries:
"The End Is Nye is a relationship show; it's about our relationship with nature and how it can end in total disaster,...It’s also about how science can help that relationship to survive and thrive. Yes, The End Is Nye is terrifying, but our goal is to boost human confidence with a welcome jolt of optimism about the future and scientific understanding."
What can be expected from the brand new science docuseries?
The official synopsis for The End Is Nye, released by Peacock, reads:
"The End is Nye sends Bill Nye into the most epic global disasters imaginable – both natural and unnatural – and then demystifies them using science to show how we can survive, mitigate, and even prevent them."
It further reads:
"Each stand-alone episode takes a hell-bent dive into the mystery and terror of one specific threat. Every catastrophe is abundant with thrills, but also offers hope and a way forward —a scientific blueprint for surviving anything that comes our way."
By the looks of the official synopsis, it is quite evident that the docuseries is bound to take viewers on a thrilling and knowledgeable rollercoaster ride filled with some intense disasters.
Guided by Bill Nye, the docuseries is all set to cover six major cities all across the globe, entailing Tokyo, Mexico City, London, Los Angeles, Rio de Janeiro and New York City.
How's the official trailer for the upcoming docuseries looking?
Peacock dropped the official trailer for the exciting science docuseries on July 24, 2022. Take a closer look at the official trailer for the docuseries here:
In the official trailer, the docuseries has been identified as an apocalyptic docuseries. It also indicates that the docuseries will showcase six world-ending disasters.
The host of the series, Bill Nye, said in an interview:
"Right now, our world is a very scary place, and yet full of opportunities to make life better for all of us— for everyone on Earth. Speaking of Earth, the big idea behind The End Is Nye is that for the first time in the history of our planet, we humans can control our fate. We can see the potential for these overwhelming disasters, and we have the means to avoid them. With science, we can change the world."
Don't forget to watch The End Is Nye, debuting on Thursday, August 25, 2022, exclusively on Peacock.