Who are the Ten Rings in Shang-Chi and how are they connected to Iron Man?

The Ten Rings Return {Image via Marvel Studios}
The Ten Rings Return {Image via Marvel Studios}

Marvel released the first trailer for Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings earlier today. While fans are excited to see the new adaptation of the comic book hero, other fans are discussing the on-screen return of the Ten Rings.

Who are the Ten Rings in Shang-Chi and how are they connected to Iron Man?

Though the Ten Rings seem to be playing a larger part in the Shang Chi film, they were previously featured in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The entire plot of Iron Man 3 follows Tony Stark as he hunts down The Mandarin, the supposed face of the terrorist organization who claims to have the Ten Rings in his possession. Though he is revealed to be an actor at the end of the film, the threat of the Ten Rings is very real for Shang Chi.

The name "Ten Rings" belongs to both the ten rings that an individual can wear to harness their power as well as the organization that has pledged its allegiance to the person who is able to wield the power of the rings.

Each of the Ten Rings holds its own unique power and must be worn on specific fingers in order for the wearer to appropriately use their powers. The rings must be worn in the following way, as the Mandarin wears them.

Left Hand Rings and Their Powers

  • Pinky = Ice Blast, able to freeze objects.
  • Ring Finger = Mento-Intensifier, magnifies Mandarin's psychic energy.
  • Middle Finger = Electro-Blast, shoots lightning.
  • Index Finger = Flame Blast, emits infrared radiation.
  • Thumb = Whiite Light, intense laser beams.

Right Hand Rings and Their Powers

  • Pinky = Black Light, absorbs all light into blackness.
  • Ring Finger = Disintegration Beam, destroys objects but needs 20 minutes to recharge.
  • Middle Finger = Vortex Beam, levitates objects.
  • Index Finger = Impact Beam, projects explosive force.
  • Thumb = Matter Rearranger, rearranges molecules to speed up or slow down their movements.

Though the direct connection of this MCU Phase Four film to the MCU Phase Two film, Iron Man 3, is its strongest anchor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it is possible that a connection could be made to Doctor Strange as he uses mystical rings of power, as well.

Expected to be in theaters September 3rd of 2021, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings will manage to bring with it both connections to previous Marvel films and new content.