Who is pro wrestling's G.O.A.T.?

Ric Flair has Hogan down, but not out.
Ric Flair has Hogan down, but not out.

El Santo

El Santo
El Santo

As Hulk Hogan was to the United States, El Santo was to Mexico.

A cultural icon as well as a celebrated professional wrestler, El Santo was Superman in a silver mask. He never cheated and was known for standing up for the common man.

Santo was also a movie star, being featured in over sixty films--all of which he performed in with his mask in place. In fact, Santo refused to unmask even when he went to fine restaurants or had his car serviced at the auto shop!

El Santo's Scores

Technical Ability: El Santo is one of the sport's great innovators, and popularized moves like the Tope de Cristo (diving headbutt) and the plancha. His reliance on technical moves was part of his persona, and he put on great performances at every turn. Grade: A

Speaking and promos: Movies studios practically begged El Santo to take roles in their films, and he portrayed himself quite well in his interactions with the media. He was also able to get fans emotionally invested in his matches. Grade: A

Popularity: El Santo's popularity is off the charts, both in the wrestling and non-wrestling worlds. Grade: A

Competition: While El Santo faced the best Lucha Libre had to offer, he wasn't as well traveled or as worldly as, say, Mil Mascaras. Grade: B

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