WWE SummerSlam 2014 : 5 Possible Twists that could happen at the Pay-Per-View

Twists and turns are something that the WWE fans expect whenever the company lays out a major show. In their last outing, Battleground, the surprises were pretty out of their places and werent the ones that anyone wouldve wanted.This adds more pressure on SummerSlam which is just hours away and WWE is almost sure to feel the wrath of the internet fans if they screw up the biggest party of the summer.A new logo and the Network promotion are going strong, and creative team will be desperate to send home the fans happy in order push forward the angles to their next venture.With a lot of mainstream attention at their disposal on 17th August at the Staples Centre, here is a look at the possible twists that could come out of the pay-per-view.

#5 A big return or Debut

Returns and debuts have always managed to capture the main stream attention when it comes to professional wrestling.

And when it comes on a big stage like SummerSlam, the impact is simply paramount.

The long list of possible returns includes the lights of Undertaker, CM Punk, Bad News Barrett or even Alberto Del Rio for that matter. While Sting’s debut is something that everyone is dying to see.

Also, a plethora of talent is down there in NXT waiting for the limelight to make their debut. Names like Kevin Steen, Prince Devitt and Kenta are superstars who could be injected into the main roster directly unlike the amateurs that are scenting their time in development.

#4 Daniel Bryan being at Bries corner

Right after Daniel Bryan picked up a crucial injury, in order to keep him in television, the company gave him small segments here and there.

They pulled the plug on the idea after a couple of months but SummerSlam is simply too big for Bryan to give it a miss. Now that Stephanie McMahon mentioned about his alleged affair, he also has a reason to be part of the pay-per-view.

Also, Hunter was seen helping his wife to stack the odds against Brie opening the door for Bryan to equal the numbers game.

Having Bryan would be a big push for the company in terms of star power and even if he won’t wrestle, the flying goat is sure to make a big impact with his mere presence.

#3 Cena retaining the title

We earlier noted that Brock Lesnar is the favorite to win the SummerSlam main event due to certain reasons. Everyone has their money on the beast and any result other than him winning would be a big surprise.

Cena’s title run might still be a bit young but the chances of him getting one over the man who broke the streak at SummerSlam are low.

WWE needs to have Lesnar as the face of the company before the Network renewals and him being the champion is what they would need for the same.

It would also bring a lot of criticism on creative team for pushing Cena everywhere and not letting him lose even though he stand no chance against his opponent on a narrative level.

#2 Fans getting screwed again with Ambrose Rollins

Heading into WWE Battleground, one match that everyone wanted to see was the clash between Ambrose and Rollins. However, in a brilliant creative move, the match was called off and it added more heat to the feud as more waiting aspect was added to it.

At SummerSlam, these two would be at it again inside a weird stipulation and just like Battleground; the fans might get screwed by the company.

Lumberjack match has all the potential to have a sense of injustice against the Lunatic Fringe and could push the ultimate moment to a bigger stipulated match at Night of Champions.

Now that the company is high on the NOC pay-per-view, they would want a top program like this which means that we might be a bit disappointed at SummerSlam.

#1 A Successful Money in the bank cash in

WWE Universe is gearing up for arguably the biggest match of the summer at the pay-per-view in form of Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena. Two of the most decorated names in the business going at it for the title and almost everyone has their money on either of the two superstars to walk out with the title..

However, one thing that would completely blow off the roof from Staples centre would be successful Money in the Bank by Seth Rollins.

No matter who wins the match or how drab the match would turn out, Rollins winning the title would overshadow everything and set up the career of the architect.

WWE might have some problem having Lesnar in the title scene after this, but if they could bypass that in some way, Rollins is going to cement his stay in the main event scene with the title.

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