WWE’s top 5 famous road stories

#2 Sid Vicious and a ravaging squirrel

Sid was a proud man, and that doesn’t necessarily mean that he was an intelligent, proud man. Sid was known for being impulsive, and had the knack of picking up challenges, no matter how nonsensical or dangerous the dare would sound. Sid also used to carry a squirrel with him for unknown reasons, which is a crucial part of the story. All of this came back to haunt the big guy, which went on to become an absolutely hilarious story for all the professional wrestlers and the fans.

Sid was once dared to stuff the squirrel inside his pants for a minute by the other wrestlers, and he immediately stuffed the furry creature inside his trousers. About 30 seconds in, the squirrel bit Sid in his privates, and Sid fell down in agony, crushing the squirrel in the process. Needless to say, he had to get rabies shots and stitches on his privates!