Moana 2, Walt Disney's sequel to the original 2016 film Moana, was released on November 27, 2024. In Moana 2, the scope of her adventure is broadened to face new challenges, featuring noteworthy visuals and plot twists that take the story to epic proportions.
This sequel follows Moana's adventure to restore the lost island of Motufetu and lift a deadly curse threatening her tribe. However, in the climax, the story brings about an enormous change in Moana herself, which leaves fans puzzled about her new identity.
In a dramatic turn of events, Moana sacrifices herself in the pursuit of fulfilling her quest and becomes a demigod in the end. It sets the sail for promising possibilities of being a legendary ocean hero.
Disclaimer: This article includes spoilers for Moana 2. Readers' discretion is advised.
How does Moana become a demigod in Moana 2?
Moana's transformation into a demigod occurs in the climactic battle against the evil god Nalo. The task to reclaim the sunken island of Motufetu reaches its climax when Maui is deprived of his powers, leaving Moana to complete the task alone. She withstands Nalo's killing lightning strike but, with great personal cost, touches the island's shores and breaks the curse.
As she appears to be overcome by her wounds, the ocean and her ancestors' spirits revive her, like that of her grandmother and ancient guide, Tautai Vasa. The act is divine, reviving Moana and making her a demigod, almost like Maui. New physical and spiritual attributes define her transformation, symbolic of immortality and a connection to the mystical forces of the ocean.
What powers does Moana gain as a demigod in Moana 2?
With this new status as a demigod, Moana learns amazing abilities that make it possible for her to become a better wayfinder for her people and a protector. In all, she has this connection through her oar, which stands out more like a spiritual artifact, in contrast to Maui's fishhook.
The golden writings glowing on the oar may shape the tides for her and carve through pathways across the ocean aspect that will be very key in her future adventures. Transformation and magical tattoos, as in Maui's famous tattoos, are almost magical, celebrating heroic acts and marking Moana's transformation.
These tattoos celebrate her achievements and indicate future potential, as new tattoos emerge with each accomplishment. These powers create Moana as a force in the world of gods and mortals.
What does Moana’s transformation mean for the future?
Moana becoming a demigod changes her role in her tribe and the wider world. With her new powers, she can now explore unknown lands and connect different communities within her tribe while protecting her people from threats like Nalo.
This change aligns with the movie's main theme of venturing into new places and going beyond what's known. Her development also hints at a possible Moana 3, as suggested in the extra scene at the end of Moana 2.
Nalo, upset by his loss, vows to seek revenge. With his ability to control others, like Matangi, Moana is just starting to face her challenges. Being a demigod makes Moana uniquely equipped to handle these dangers, setting her up for even more exciting adventures ahead.
Moana 2 is currently running in theaters since November 27, 2024.