The Madness is a conspiracy thriller series created by Stephen Belber. It revolves around an African American media pundit, Muncie Daniels, who gets framed for killing a white supremacist, Mark Simon. The series features eight episodes, all of which aired on Netflix on November 28, 2024.
Stephen Belber and V. J. Boyd serve as showrunners of The Madness. Additionally, the series is executive produced by Peter Chernin, Jenno Topping, Kaitlin Dahill, Clément Virgo, along with Belber and Boyd.
The show's official logline, as per Netflix, reads:
"After a media pundit stumbles upon a dead body deep in the Poconos woods, he finds himself framed for the murder of a notorious white supremacist."
Colman Domingo plays the CNN commentator Muncie Daniels in The Madness.
Colman Domingo's role in The Madness explored
In The Madness, Colman Domingo plays Muncie Daniels, a well-known news commentator and author. His life turns upside down after he stumbles upon a dead body in the woods while vacationing in the Poconos and is wrongfully accused of murder. As he races against time to prove his innocence, he must contend with Julia Jayne, a fixer who relentlessly pursues him.
Muncie discovers that the victim, Mark Simon, was a notorious white supremacist and leader of The Forge, a domestic terrorist group. Known online by his alias Brother14, Mark had a strong online presence with more than five million followers. He was hired by billionaire Rodney Kraintz, who also ordered the hit against him, to spread disinformation among his followers and influence elections in favor of his company, Revitalize.
In the show's climax, Muncie discovers that he was framed purely by chance, having been in the wrong place at the wrong time. He tracks down Kraintz and almost kills him but decides against it in the end. Instead, he hands Kraintz over to the members of The Forge, who want to exact revenge for their leader's death.
While speaking to The Wrap in November 2024, Domingo described his character's state of mind:
"He feels like he has no access or agency anymore, or no one’s believing him. He’s like, 'I gotta believe in myself. And if the police and society are not going to protect my family, I have to protect what’s mine.'"
He continued:
"So suddenly he’s put up against the wall in many ways. It’s really reshaping who this man is by sending him into this place that he did not want to go to, but because of circumstance, he’s fully thrust into."
Who is Colman Domingo?
Colman Domingo is an accomplished screen and stage actor who has given numerous memorable performances throughout his 30-year career.
His film roles include Lincoln, 42, If Beale Street Could Talk, Selma, The Butler, The Color Purple, Zola, and The Birth of a Nation, among others. On television, he gained recognition for playing Victor Strand in AMC's Fear the Walking Dead. He also received accolades for his role as the recovering drug addict Ali in HBO's teen drama Euphoria.
In 2024, Domingo was nominated for an Academy Award in the Best Actor category for playing the civil rights activist Bayard Rustin in Netflix's biographical drama, Rustin.
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