5 best Valorant Agents to climb solo queue competitive in Valorant Episode 2

Top 5 agents(Image via Riot Games)
Top 5 agents(Image via Riot Games)

Valorant games are all about team-play, but solo queue experience is a different reality.

Valorant has a total of 15 agents and all new players have access to 5 agents by default. Each Valorant agent has different abilities. There are similarities between agents, based on which certain team compositions can make a difference.

When it comes to ranked matches in Valorant, a certain agent is required that can stay alive for a longer time, clutch properly if required, and hold down a site. Riot Games have done a great job balancing the agents in the game and as long as the economy of a team is good the chances of winning increases in Valorant.

5 best agents to climb solo queue competitive in Valorant

#5- Omen

Omen is a handy controller(Image via Riot Games)
Omen is a handy controller(Image via Riot Games)

Omen can be very good in solo queue matches in Valorant. With Dark cover and Shrouded step, Omencan enter any site or teleport behind enemies. He is versatile, lurks from the shadows, and with the help of From the Shadows, Omen can teleport anywhere on the map. Omen plays are high risk-high rewards plays. Omen lets players switch up their playstyle making it good for solo players.



Cypher with the tripwire(Image via Riot Games)
Cypher with the tripwire(Image via Riot Games)

Cypher comes with all the abilities that help overall. From stopping enemy ganks with tripwire and helping the whole team spy on a site with a spycam, Cypher is a fun agent to play with. The cyber cage helps him quickly reposition and get away from the enemy’s line of sight. Cypher is also very useful in defense as his abilities can delay entry and gain intel from cover using his spycam. The ultimate, Neural Theft acts like a wallhack by giving away the opponents’ positions.


#3- Jett

The most elusive agent in the game(Image via Riot Games)
The most elusive agent in the game(Image via Riot Games)

Jett is one of the best duelists in the game and is incredibly effective in Valorant solo queue. Her agile and evasive fighting style makes her the best entry fragger in the game. With Updrift and Tailwind, Jett can evade an enemy 's line of sight and can also peek from unpopular spots. With the help of Cloudburst, Jett can also force entry into a site to help other teammates. Her ultimate Blade Storm can get you through an eco-round with ease. On top of everything else, Jett remains the best Operator user in Valorant.


#2- Brimstone

Old man with his utilities (Image via Riot Games)
Old man with his utilities (Image via Riot Games)

Brimstone is very easy to learn and fun to play with. The utility is one of the best in the game. He can clear multiple corners at once and block off sightlines, or split entire Reactor Sites in the blink of an eye. One of the best things about Brimstone is that players can block parts of the map with Sky Smoke and block the enemy line of sight. Incendiary can be used to block enemies from entering a site or denying a spike plant from happening. Stim Beacon can also provide additional support in helping teammates. Brimstone’s ultimate Orbital Strike deals a massive burst of damage to all enemies caught inside the area of effect and can be an absolute game-changer, especially when trying to deny the enemy’s spike defuse.



The explosive lady(Image via Riot Games)
The explosive lady(Image via Riot Games)

Raze's abilities are offensive and can cause a great level of damage. Her Blast packs give great mobility and help her escape from the enemy line of sight easily. The Boom Bot can be used to flush enemies out from their hiding positions or paint shells can be thrown in predictable spots to kill enemies. The showstopper deals a great deal of damage and can be used to clear a site or deny a spike defuse. Raze is an aggressive character and can support the team by dominating the game. Raze packs enough heat that’s difficult to deal with at any given rank in Valorant.


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