5 best Valorant team compositions for Sage

Valorant team compositions for Sage (Image via Sportskeeda)
Valorant team compositions for Sage (Image via Sportskeeda)

Valorant is a complex game that requires careful planning and a solid strategy. One of the most important aspects of the game is team composition, which refers to the combination of agents that a team chooses to play with. Sage is one of the most popular beginner agents in Valorant, and her abilities can greatly impact the outcome of a match.

When selecting a team composition, it's essential to consider your team's strengths and weaknesses, the map, and the opposing team's composition. With the right combination of agents and a cohesive team strategy, your team can dominate the opposition in Valorant.

Sage is a versatile agent that can fit into many team compositions. In this article, we will discuss the five best team compositions for Sage in Valorant, and why they work so well.

Best teams for Sage in Valorant

1) Sage, Brimstone, Cypher, Omen, and Viper


This composition is ideal for gathering intel on the opposing team while also controlling the map. Sage's healing abilities keep the team healthy, while Brimstone's smoke screens create confusion and deny vision.

Cypher's traps and intel-gathering abilities give the team an edge, and Omen's teleportation and paranoia abilities create chaos and disrupt the enemy's movements. Viper's poisonous cloud creates further confusion and denies access to certain areas.

2) Sage, Breach, Phoenix, Reyna, and Brimstone


This composition is more focused on offense and pressuring the enemy team. Sage provides healing, and Breach's seismic charge and flashpoint abilities are perfect for disrupting enemy movements. Phoenix's healing abilities offer additional support, while Reyna's skills can be used to take out enemies quickly and gain an advantage. Brimstone's smokescreens can provide cover and deny vision.

3) Sage, Jett, Raze, Skye, and Astra


This composition is centered around mobility and swift movement. Sage's healing ability and support comes in handy, while Jett's movement abilities allow the team to swiftly take positions. Raze's explosive abilities create chaos and eliminate enemies. Skye's abilities provide intel and help take out enemies, and Astra's cosmic abilities control the map and create opportunities for the team.

4) Sage, Sova, Brimstone, Killjoy, and Reyna


This composition is best suited for gathering intel on the opposing team and creating confusion. Sage's abilities provide control over the flow of battle, and Sova's intel-gathering skills offer valuable information on enemy movements. Brimstone's smokescreens can deny vision and create opportunities for the team.

Killjoy's traps and intel-gathering abilities give the team an edge, while Reyna can use her abilities to get easy entry frags.

5) Sage, Brimstone, Sova, Viper, and Omen


This composition is ideal for denying the opposing team access to vital areas and controlling the map. Sage's wall and slow abilities control the enemy's movement, and Brimstone provides cover with smoke screens.

Sova's intel-gathering skills keep the team informed of enemy movements, and Viper's poisonous cloud blocks off access to certain areas. Omen's teleportation and paranoia abilities create confusion and disrupt the enemy team's movements.

Choosing the right team composition in Valorant can be the difference between victory and defeat. Including a smoke agent like Brimstone, Omen, or Astra in every team composition adds an extra layer of control and makes it easier to advance or defend key areas on the map. It's crucial to note that every agent has a unique set of abilities, and choosing the right combination of agents can significantly impact the outcome of the game.

While the Valorant team compositions listed above are great starting points, it's always best to experiment with different agents and playstyles to find what works best for your team. A well-rounded team should have agents that can provide healing, gather intel, create confusion, and control the map. However, the key is to communicate and work together as a team to execute your strategies effectively.

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