Valorant: New G.U.N. Skin VFX revealed through data mining

(Image Credit: Ginx)
(Image Credit: Ginx)

A new skin bundle was found through data mining in Valorant. The G.U.N. (Gravitational Uranium Neuroblaster) Skin Collection features an array of weapons for multiple characters each with a 1960s sci-fi aesthetic akin to what you might see in something like Plan 9 from Outer Space.

G.U.N. Skin Bundle weapons and VFX

This Valorant skin bundle gives your weapon a kind of polished plastic look, tinting everything in either vibrant primary colors that give it a candy aesthetic, or in sleek black or gray plastic reminiscent of Hollywood sci-fi props. Expect hollow humming noises and rounded edges that make as much sense as anything else the 1960s thought the future might bring.

Each of these new skins give your weapons in Valorant a sound similar to what you might expect from a Star Wars film, or perhaps closer to classic Star Trek if you prefer to go that far back.

Players can purchase these skins for 1,775 VP per gun skin, or buy the whole bundle for 7,100 VP.

Valorant G.U.N. Skins release alongside new patch

These skins should be available now, or at least as soon as you update your version of Valorant, as they are released alongside the newest patch. Early reports suggest that this patch has nerfed the Operator sniper rifle, as well as a few balance tweaks across characters.

The nerfs reportedly hit the weapon along multiple angles, slowing its fire rate, weapon swap speed, movement speed when zoomed, increasing its price, and lowering its damage output on limb shots. Of course, while these changes make the Operator slightly more clunky to use in Valorant, players can expect it to still crop up plenty, especially in the hands of a skilled player.

Other changes include buffs, nerfs, and other tweaks to various heroes in Valorant, but for a more detailed breakdown you’ll have to read the patch notes.