Riot developers address queue dodging Rank Rating penalty in Valorant

Riot developers address queue dodging Rank Rating penalty Image by Riot Games.
Riot developers address queue dodging Rank Rating penalty Image by Riot Games.

Valorant developers recently took a deeper dive into the upcoming queue dodging penalty of Rank Rating in competitive game mode.

In a recent Ask Valorant, the developers at Riot Games delved deep into the upcoming feature of penalty for queue dodging. The system is supposed to penalize players for intentional queue dodging and affecting fellow teammates and opponents. It would theoretically reduce a player’s Rank rating, which could lead to a player losing ranks.

Initially, the featured was assumed to arrive with the current patch 2.03. However, the developers are currently targeting patch 2.05 to introduce this long-requested feature.

Queue dodging in Valorant will penalize Rank Rating

Queue dodging and AFKing have been a problem for a while in Valorant competitive. If 1 player queue dodges while picking an agent, it negatively affects the other 9 players. Players have been requesting Riot Games to look into the matter and provide a solution. Some players have even suggested an Accept Match button prompt similar to Valve’s popular esports game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

In the Ask Valorant, Jon Walker, the Competitive Designer, Ian Fielding the Producer, and Lea Hughes, the Strategic Advisor, discussed the upcoming Queue dodging penalty. Regarding the players who dodge queues, the developers explained:

For reference, our data says that more than 50% of dodges are caused by less than 2% of players, and the vast majority of players very rarely queue dodge, if at all. Targeting those repeat offenders should have a massive impact on how frequently you encounter queue dodges in your own games.

The developers clarified that the system would reduce the Rank Rating by a minimum amount, and it won’t affect the current MMR but could stack up due to repeated queue dodging and reduce a player’s rank. However, a regular player could easily earn back the lost Rank rating in the next match.

The developers further stated that they recognize that queue dodging is sometimes essential to avoid painful situations, such as toxic teammates. Even if queue dodging is primarily caused by a small group of players trying to manipulate the competitive scene, the developers don’t want to take away the safety net. That’s why they have made the system as forgiving as possible.

The system is currently planned to be included in patch 2.05, and the developers plan to monitor and twerk the system according to the response.

In the above-mentioned Ask Valorant, the developers also discuss the issue of the knife hit detection system not being up to the mark, which was discovered in the recent escalation mode.

Players are optimistic about the upcoming Rank Rating penalty for queue dodging in Valorant, which could drastically improve the matchmaking system.

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