Best And Worst of Hell In A Cell

Hell In A Cell certainly had more good than bad
Hell In A Cell certainly had more good than bad

#2 Best: A very non PG match

I personally thought the first HIAC match was better
I personally thought the first HIAC match was better

Hell in a Cell is a watered down affair for a long time WWE fan. Jeff Hardy and Randy Orton reminded us just how brutal the match can be. The ear twist spot with the screwdriver was absolutely brutal, for those who watched it.

And the punishment would not stop there, as both men took an extraordinary amount of punishment inside the structure. The referee was a part of the proceedings too, and he seemed visibly concerned at various points during the night. The drama was palpable during the contest.

Two veterans reminded us just how good they both really are. And how they both lay everything on the line, simply for our viewing pleasure.

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