10 best WWE matches of October 2018

The real main event of October.
The real main event of October.

#7 Meiko Satomura vs. Toni Storm (Mae Young Classic, October 24th)


Toni Storm's Mae Young Classic matches were often disappointing, at least by the standards we would expect. This even included the final at Evolution, which was good, but not as good as it could have been.

This one wasn't disappointing, though.

Obviously, it helped that Meiko Satomura was involved (you'll see more of her later), but Toni Storm also played her part as she should have. She wasn't billed as the underdog in this match. In fact, she started it as the aggressor. From there, she and Meiko Satomura went on to kill each other, throwing the best each of them had until somebody lost.

That loser turned out to be Meiko Satomura, who finally went down after the second Storm Zero. There were too many finisher kickouts for me to rank this any higher, but it was an adrenaline rush.