10 Most Underutilized Superstars in WWE Today

Will we see Bray on a milk carton soon?
Will we see Bray on a milk carton soon?

#8 No Way Jose

No way to recover
No way to recover

Unfortunately, this was a gimmick that was just doomed from the start, even in NXT.

No Way Jose debuted in 2016 in NXT and 2018 on the main roster. Although he had an impressive winning streak in NXT, he was never really used for any storylines. And while he also had a winning streak for his first month or so on RAW, it was still pretty clear from the beginning that he was called up because WWE felt he had done all he could to progress in NXT, despite not having any creative plans for the main roster.

Essentially, No Way Jose is to WWE today what Adam Rose was when he debuted on the main roster, complete with a conga line. Is it too late for No Way Jose to recover? I don't think so, but I think they only thing that can save him today is a gimmick change and possible tag team with someone else who is in a similar situation, like Mojo Rawley.


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