10 Outcomes for Money in the Bank 2018

Who will win this years Money in the Bank?
Who will win this years Money in the Bank

#6. Roman Reigns defeats Jinder Mahal (Double Turn)

Will their feud escalate?
Will their feud escalate?

Roman Reigns is negatively received by fans every week. The WWE Universe seems tired of his constant involvement in the main event. However recent events seem to suggest a change is afoot. Jinder Mahal, another rejected character has begun to show signs of a face turn.

Since his defeat at the Greatest Royal Rumble Reins has been embroiled in a minor feud with Mahal. After weeks of interrupting, each other's matches Reigns and Mahal would clash on Raw, see video below. Presently this feud is ongoing. At Money in the Bank, they will battle once again.


Their match will afford an interesting dynamic. Moreover, it could lead to an epic feud. Roman Reigns' character must change, and the perfect option is to turn him heel. Whereas, Mahal could benefit as a good guy. Looking back at Bret Hart versus Stone Cold at WrestleMania 13, their 'double turn' changed the course of WWE. This arrangement could work with Reigns and Mahal. Interestingly Seth Rollins could factor into this feud considering events on Raw recently.

What will happen at Money in the Bank?