10 Shocking Moments from Wrestlemania 1

Where it all began.
Where it all began.

#4 Hogan and Piper wrestle on MTV to promote Wrestlemania

Could have been the main event?
Could have been the main event?

If it hadn't been for the fact that Vince McMahon was so eager to fill his first Wrestlemania main event with celebrities, we could have had a straight up singles match between Hogan and Piper for the WWF Championship closing out the show instead.

Before his legendary feuds with Andre, Savage and Warrior, Piper was the ultimate villain providing the contrast to Hogan's All-American white meat babyface persona. The two had exceptional chemistry together and could have provided a classic showdown for Wrestlemania I's finale.

Instead, the two ended up facing each other at a lesser known WWF event called 'The War to Settle the Score' in February 1985, just months for Wrestlemania was launched. And while most fans no longer tend to speak regularly about the match itself, it did prove to be invaluable to the future fortunes of the company going forward.

The WWF actually teamed up with MTV to in order to showcase the event, tying into the 'Rock and Wrestling' connection which was highly prominent at the time. Hogan and Piper were thus entrusted with promoting the idea of Wrestlemania to an entirely new audience, a highly effective move considering the amount of attention eventually given to Mania from outside the world of pro wrestling.

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