10 things that could happen if Undertaker and Shawn Michaels meet in the ring.


#2. The match will be longer than average.


In times past, wrestling matches could go on for an hour or more. Ric Flair and Bob Backlund were as famous for their time limit draws as their victories, and the original Iron Man match concept had the athletes in the ring for sixty minutes, not thirty.

These days a match on Raw might run less than five minutes, and ten to thirteen minutes is the average length. When HBK and Taker lock up, however, it will likely be for the better part of an hour. Part of this has to do with pacing; Both men are no longer in their primes, and the match will have to slow down at several points to allow them to recover.

The other factor is in their approach to wrestling, which involves a slow build up. Taker vs. Michaels won't be a squash by any measure.

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