2 Reasons Vince McMahon is out of touch with fans, and 3 Reasons he's still a wrestling genius.


Out of Touch: Using litigation to fight rivals instead of great programming.

The Young Bucks are no longer allowed to make the 'too sweet' hand gesture, as it is intellectual property of WWE.
The Young Bucks are no longer allowed to make the 'too sweet' hand gesture, as it is
property of WWE.

There was a time when WWE was one of the most copied federations in wrestling. Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, and when a regional federation would debut a character or gimmick quite similar to what was happening in WWE, there would be no response from Vince McMahon.

But that was before the Monday Night War. The threat of real competition instilled a certain paranoia in McMahon, and he began to litigate rather than improve his programming. He sued WCW, trying to prevent Kevin Nash and Scott Hall from appearing on Nitro because he had 'made' them into stars, even though they used their real names. That lawsuit failed.

What didn't fail were his cease and desist orders, issued by his lawyers to the Young Bucks. The Bucks had been making the 'too sweet' hand gesture as an homage to the nWo, but McMahon claimed he owned that intellectual property. Rather than engage in a court battle which would keep them out of the ring and cost a lot of money, the Bucks complied with the order.

McMahon getting litigation happy is a good sign that he has lost touch with the fans. All he accomplished by suing the Bucks was to give them more attention, and popularity. Now the Bucks are the underdogs being oppressed by the billion dollar company, making them heroes to many.

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