5 alternative options for AJ Styles at Wrestlemania

Could be see them headline Wrestlemania?
Could we see them headline Wrestlemania?

#3: Seth Rollins

Rollins and AJ facing off at Survivor Series was a magical moment
Rollins and AJ facing off at Survivor Series was a magical moment.

You think of the great heels in WWE in the last few years, the mind directly goes to The Architect Seth Rollins. Seth Rollins is one of the best wrestlers in WWE today and has found little to no success ever since his 2016 face turn. The Curb-Stomp has returned, could the Heel Seth return too?

Seth Rollins has been stuck in a limbo, wrestling the Bar week-in,week-out and a switch to Smackdown Live would have helped his career massively. Him and AJ Styles together is a dream confrontation for many fans, and would help WWE rival the Okada-Omega match quality from 2017.

Seth Rollins may not be fighting for the WWE Championship this year, but him vs AJ is something everyone wishes to see.

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