5 comedy characters who could give John Cena a great match

Cena is still a world-class talent
Cena is still a world-class talent

#4 Shorty G

A naturally talented star
A naturally talented star

Right now, the career trajectory of Shorty G isn't going quite as well as many would've hoped. While he may be one of the smaller guys on the main roster, we've all come to learn that size doesn't really matter in this business - and especially in a company like WWE.

As time has gone on, WWE has decided to change things up with the man we formerly knew as Chad Gable. The idea behind Shorty G seems to be that he'll be taking on the role of an underdog, when in reality, he just comes across as someone who needs to revert back to the status quo.

He's more comedy than serious right now, and that's not a good situation for him to be in. Still, even with his creative potential being restricted, he could still go out there and put on a five-star match with the best in the game, and he probably wouldn't even break a sweat in doing so.

He's exciting, and Cena will gravitate towards that.