5 Current mid-carders who deserve to be WWE/Universal Champion

Kofi better watch his back!
Kofi better watch his back!

#4 EC3

EC3 Had so much potential!
EC3 Had so much potential!

Though EC3's first run in the WWE as Derrick Bateman did not go very well, he did all that he could and got into the best shape of his life and reinvented himself in TNA.

When the former two-time TNA World Champion made his return to the WWE in January 2018, the fans had high hopes for his future. He had improved so much since his first run, and the fans thought EC3 would make an impact in the WWE. But Vince McMahon & Co had other plans.

He didn’t get a run with the NXT Championship unlike his TNA colleague Drew McIntyre. The only title shot he got in NXT was an unsuccessful attempt at the North American Championship.

WWE aired a decent vignette to promote EC3’s main roster debut which increased the hopes that he would do better on the main roster. But no such thing has happened to EC3 to this day. Judging by his demeanor during his entrance, it's clear he is unhappy with his booking.

EC3 made a tremendous impact in TNA as their world champion, and it puzzles the fans as to why WWE is holding back from promoting him to the main event picture. It shouldn't be a tough decision, and he deserves to have a run with the WWE Championship.

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