5 Current WWE Superstars whose gimmicks were inspired by popular comic book characters 

Comic book characters have been inspiring WWE gimmicks for decades
Comic book characters have been inspiring WWE gimmicks for decades

#1 Finn Balor (Demon King) – Venom

Never underestimate the hidden monster
Never underestimate the hidden monster

Although Finn Balor has been calling himself ‘The Prince’ these days, this Irish Superstar’s alter-ego is inspired by a popular character in Marvel comics. Balor’s ‘Demon King’ gimmick is extremely powerful and is over with the crowd who love to see the former Universal Champion bringing out this side of his persona in his biggest battles.

Just like Venom, the Demon King’s gimmick shows a wide mouth with scary teeth and a long tongue, but this is quite evident. But there’s also a huge similarity between the portrayal of both these characters. Historically, Venom is a Supervillain who occurs in the Spiderman comic books, but his popularity amidst the readers saw him eventually transform into an anti-hero. And now, he appears when he (Eddie Brock) is put in a difficult fight. That means Venom is the one who takes command over the action when he knows that other people won't.

Do you remember that scene when Eddie wanted to use the elevator, and Venom did not hesitate to share his opinion? Well, I can't write the next part of the joke here, but you must watch that scene on YouTube immediately to understand why 'Demon King' is so similar to Venom.

Similarly, we only see the Demon King making an appearance when Balor fails to beat tougher opponents all by himself. It is a well-written gimmick, and WWE are doing well in maintaining the hype around it by limiting its appearance. Other than Venom, Balor’s Demon King also draws inspiration from the Seven Deadly Sins antagonist of the same name.