5 dream cross-promotional opponents for Brock Lesnar

Brock Lesnar vs Jon Moxley would be a spectacle
Brock Lesnar vs Jon Moxley would be a spectacle

#3. Jon Moxley doesn't have kind words for Brock Lesnar

Brock Lesnar's program with Jon Moxley at WrestleMania 32 was disastrous. Moxley was just finding his feet as a singles act and was on course to become one of WWE's top babyfaces, but the defeat to Lesnar set him back a long way.

The feud was initially meant to get Moxley over, but the former Shield man found Lesnar to be uncooperative. During an appearance on the Wade Keller podcast, Moxley had the following to say about working with Lesnar:

"This is like, my dream opponent, dream scenario, Street Fight. I’m like, you can imagine how much effort and time and thought I put into this, right? And I’m thinking Brock is probably thinking on the same page as me, like, “We’re gonna tear it up!” And I think he thought he was just doing me a favor, me being in the ring with him was enough to like do awesome things for me. I think that’s what he thought. He didn’t wanna be there."

When asked about Moxley's comments, Paul Heyman criticized the former WWE Champion's attitude and appearance on the Stone Cold Podcast. There is clear resentment from Jon Moxley towards Brock Lesnar, and this is the sort of material that could make for a compelling program between the two.

#2. Bryan Danielson is a submission specialist


Brock Lesnar previously faced Bryan Danielson in a Champion vs Champion match at Survivor Series 2018. Danielson had just turned heel and defeated AJ Styles to win the WWE Championship. The pair had the best match on the show, with the Aberdeen native giving Lesnar a run for his money.

However, The American Dragon is a very different proposition to the character Danielson played in WWE. While Daniel Bryan is the ultimate underdog, The American Dragon is a lethal grappler, reminiscent of Royce Gracie in the formative days of the UFC, who can defeat larger opponents with his superior technique.

This version of Bryan Danielson would present Brock Lesnar with a different set of problems, and their match would look completely different than their last encounter.

#1. CM Punk and Brock Lesnar might be the two biggest stars in professional wrestling


It's been eight years since Brock Lesnar and CM Punk stole the show at SummerSlam 2013. A rematch between the two megastars is long overdue. Their previous encounter saw Lesnar dominate the opening exchanges before Punk used his savvy to close in on a victory. However, Paul Heyman interfered and allowed Lesnar to win by using a steel chair.

Punk has admitted to being jaded towards the end of his WWE run. He now appears refreshed and has rediscovered his love for professional wrestling. Paul Heyman, a close confdiant to both stars, would also add an interesting layer to this feud since he played a vital role in their previous match.

CM Punk and Brock Lesnar are also the two biggest stars of their respective promotions. A match between these two legends of professional wrestling is always going to be a mouth-watering spectacle.