5 finishing moves that would be banned in the WWE and the wrestlers who use them

If the Elite do indeed find themselves in the WWE, they'll undoubtedly be missing a few moves
If the Elite do indeed find themselves in the WWE, they'll undoubtedly be missing a few moves

#2 The Gringo Killer (Vertebreaker) - Homicide

Impact's Homicide has one of the best finishers outside of the WWE
Impact's Homicide has one of the best finishers outside of the WWE

The Vertebreaker is one of the best looking finishers in professional wrestling. Innovated by Megumi Kudo, and made popular by Shane Helms in WCW, the Vertebreaker is done when a wrestler, standing in front of a bent over an opponent, hooks their arms together, before turning their opponent over on their back.

The wrestler then drops to a sitting position, landing their opponent neck first on the canvas.


As great as this finisher is, it's too dangerous for the WWE to allow nowadays. At one point, Shane Helms, as the Hurricane, occasionally broke it out. However, it's rarely been seen since.

At one point, Seth Rollins hit AJ Styles with it at a house show. It was done during a time where Rollins wasn't allowed to use the Curb Stomp and was still working on finding another finisher. While some speculated he might adopt the Vertebreaker, he would ultimately use the Pedigree for a while before, thankfully, reverting back to the Curb Stomp.

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