5 Heel Turns That Are Poised To Happen This Fall

There could be a number of heel turns this fall
There could be a number of heel turns this fall

#4 Charlotte Flair

Charlotte's feud with Becky Lynch isn't going to plan
Charlotte's feud with Becky Lynch isn't going to plan

Charlotte Flair is currently seen as the face in her feud with Becky Lynch but the issue that WWE has here is that Becky is the one of the two who's circumstances are much more relatable. Lynch has had to fight and claw for everything she has in WWE right now and the fact that Charlotte has come in and been handed seven Women's Championship reigns in less than three years doesn't sit well with many of the WWE Universe.

Lynch's heel turn has already been a car crash and the only way that WWE can pull this feud up is to allow Charlotte to become the heel that she has been so many times and take on the superficial Queen mantra. WWE has said that they don't want Charlotte to be seen as the bad guy here, but the issue is, Charlotte will always be seen as the bad guy because she swooped in an stole a victory that was never even hers.


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