5 Heel Turns That Are Poised To Happen This Fall

There could be a number of heel turns this fall
There could be a number of heel turns this fall

#1 Dean Ambrose

Dean Ambrose's heel turn has been rumored for months
Dean Ambrose's heel turn has been
for months

Dean Ambrose is one of the most popular WWE stars, his merchandise is regularly sold out and his return to WWE ahead of SummerSlam was one of the biggest in recent memory, but Ambrose works better as a heel. The former World Champion was one of the best characters on the circuit when he was Jon Moxley and so far WWE has failed to allow him to unleash that.

Even though Ambrose is on the same side as Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns right now, it was Rollins that injured Ambrose last year and forced him out of action, it is also Ambrose who is the only member of The Shield without a title so expect him to turn heel in the coming weeks and step up as Rollins' next challenger once this mini-reunion comes to an end.
