5 most beloved WWE Superstars in India

India loves these WWE Superstars
India loves these WWE Superstars

#2 John Cena

India loves John Cena
To say that India loves John Cena would be a vast understatement

Yet another invincible WWE superhero, whom pro-wrestling fans in the West seemed to have long turned against. Much like hardcore fans’ public enemy number-1, Roman Reigns, John Cena enjoys an enviable fan-following in India.

Speaking of which, Cena being the consummate professional he is, has often visited India so as to represent and promote the WWE product; and has even spoken in its national language on a couple of occasions!

Cena has always been regarded as one of the coolest WWE Superstars in India, as evidenced by the crowds at WWE events in India giving the loudest pop to the leader of the Cenation. Once again, despite the hardcore fans worldwide, directing a ton of negativity towards the former WWE Champion, here in India, fans hold ‘Super Cena’ in very high regard.