5 Must-see matches from NJPW G1 Climax 2018


#2- Kota Ibushi vs Hiroshi Tanahashi

Tanahashi has won the G1 Climax 3 times!
Tanahashi has won the G1 Climax 3 times!

The all-important finale!

It was a close call between the finals and Okada-Tanahashi draw, but due to its significance, this match edged out the latter. The creative team had done a wonderful job of keeping the powerhouses -Okada, Omega and Naito- out of the finals without compromising their status.

This resulted in an exciting clash between a star with a golden future and the face of the company probably past his prime. The match that started out as a classic babyface battle slowly turned with the surprising arrogance and brutality of Inushi.

It was like he was trying to prove that Tanahashi is no longer the Ace of the company, and Tanahashi fought bravely to prove that he still was!

This engaging in-ring psychology coupled with the match being the prestigious finals makes this one a must-see match.