NXT- 5 Points to Note (3 Oct, 2018)

Yet another solid week of fast paced NXT television action
Yet another solid week of fast paced NXT television action

#3 Brand new feud teased with Ciampa?

Tommaso Ciampa teased a brand new feud this week
Is the Champion gunning for The Dream next?

It comes as no surprise that people consider Ciampa to be the prime suspect with regard to the unseen attack on former NXT Champion, Aleister Black. The Velveteen Dream made his suspicions known in a backstage interview. Ciampa cut a promo on The Velveteen Dream this week, sending him a warning. It is clear that the two men will clash very soon.

Does this mean that The Velveteen Dream is a full fledged babyface now? Imagine how hot the crowd will be when the two men meet in the middle of the ring!

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