5 possible directions for Brock Lesnar this summer

What's next for Brock?
What's next for Brock?

#4 Retirement

Bye bye Brock?

While some people would argue that Brock Lesnar is lying when it comes to his stance on hating all other living things, we tend to believe it. After all, he's a very private guy most of the time, and he seems to enjoy keeping himself to himself for the most part. Because of that, the idea of him retiring from all forms of competition and combat this year seems possible.

The guy is in his early 40s now and has more money than he could spend in ten lifetimes. There's no reason for him to try and further his legacy because his story has already been written in more ways than one. If Brock decided tomorrow that he wanted to go and live on his farm with his wife and kids for the rest of his days, then we'd be completely fine with that.


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