5 possible directions for Brock Lesnar this summer

What's next for Brock?
What's next for Brock?

#1 Re-Sign With WWE

Could it be?
Could it be?

While it seems ridiculous to consider the possibility of Brock Lesnar remaining with WWE beyond his current contract, we also said the same thing in the lead up to WrestleMania 34. The stars were aligning and it felt like Roman Reigns capturing the Universal Championship was a virtual certainty, but alas, WWE swerved us all once again.

So what if they just kept this run going for another year? It'd make WrestleMania 35 feel like an even bigger event with Lesnar reaching the two-year mark in his title reign, and he could probably still compete in mixed martial arts on the side.

We aren't saying this is ideal, but it's certainly.


What would you like to see Brock Lesnar do? Let us know in the comments below!