5 potential and anticipated feuds for Tye Dillinger on Smackdown Live

Since arriving on Smackdown Live, Dillinger hasn't had a meaningful feud. Who could he truly be tested to face off against?
Since arriving on Smackdown Live, Dillinger hasn't had a meaningful feud; who could he truly be tested to face off against?

He is the Perfect Ten. However, since his arrival on Smackdown Live, Tye Dillinger hasn't been used perfectly… or regularly, outside the feud with Aiden English. Dillinger is capable of having very effective and meaningful matches.

For instance, he had feuds, which included quality matches, with Eric Young and Bobby Roode during his time in NXT.

In NXT, Dillinger showed that he can draw emotion from the crowd. Fans were cheering him before, during and after his matches. It didn't matter what the result was, fans wanted to see him succeed.

After his losses to Bobby Roode and Eric Young, fans celebrated his effort by giving him a standing ovation. We feel that the Perfect Ten deserves to be used in a greater capacity, to become a character that fans stand behind succeed and want to succeed on the brand.

Our selections certainly would heighten his exposure, and demonstrate that officials have the same faith in him that fans already have. Here are five potential and anticipated feuds for Tye Dillinger on Smackdown Live.

#5 Dolph Ziggler

As a former World and Intercontinental champion, Ziggler could pose to be a true test for Dillinger.
As a former World and Intercontinental champion, Ziggler could pose to be a true test for Dillinger

Ziggler is known for having great matches and telling incredible stories inside the ring. Despite being absent from television recently, fans will recall how personal and meaningful his feud with The Miz was last year, as those two men went back and forth in a struggle to determine who would be the Intercontinental champion.

Since his heel turn, Ziggler has been used sporadically, and so he would benefit from having a solid feud with someone that the ‘old’ Dolph Ziggler could relate too. He returned last week and teased coming back with a new gimmick.

This is where Tye Dillinger comes into the picture; Dillinger’s appeal isn’t simply his catch phrase, but his belief that you can be the best, you just should believe it. This was the same kind of self-confidence led fans to gravitate towards Ziggler as a face.

If there was ever someone that was deserving of accolades for what he has achieved in the ring, it is certainly Dolph Ziggler. A feud between these two would be a step in the right direction for them.

#4 Mike Kanellis

Kanellis, much like Dillinger hasn't had a meaningful feud either. Both could benefit from the additional exporsure.
Kanellis, much like Dillinger hasn't had a meaningful feud either, both could benefit from the additional exposure

While Kanellis is embroiled in a feud at the moment with Sami Zayn, that doesn’t mean that perfection and the power of love can't eventually collide. Kanellis and Dillinger are two men that have earned their way to the promotion and have shown what hard work and building a name for yourself around the world can do.

Dillinger’s calling himself a Perfect Ten could rub the Kanellis the wrong way; how can one person, not matter how perfect, compare to the power of love?

If they are given time, a feud could lead to a series of potentially great matches. We have seen that Dillinger can bump and sell great, as evidenced during his time in NXT.

In the case of Kanellis, we have seen from what he has done competing around the world just what he is capable of. Without question, this could be a great feud that could aid both men.

#3 Baron Corbin

Now that the Money in the Bank briefcase isn't around, Corbin could be set to refocus in a feud against Dillinger.
Now that the Money in the Bank briefcase isn't around, Corbin could be set to refocus in a feud against Dillinger

The Lone Wolf appears destined for great things. Given his height, size and strength, eventually the company will have him walk away as a champion some day. A feud that would help Dillinger would be facing Corbin.

The clear size difference between the two would make for an interesting story as well. And they had their run-ins during their time together in NXT. Some may believe that this wouldn’t help Corbin, but he tends to work well with smaller wrestlers, and this could be another instance where that occurs.

While a feud with someone on a trajectory to become WWE Champion may be some time away, that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t and couldn’t happen. It would also reflect Smackdown Live’s belief in providing interesting opportunities to all its talent.

This feud could begin with something as simple as Dillinger capturing upset, small package wins over Corbin leading to an escalation of issues between the two.

#2 Kevin Owens

A feud with the former U.St champion, could only be beneficial to all involved.
A feud with the former US Champion could only be beneficial to all involved

One of the best workers on the brand is unquestionably Kevin Owens. While both men share the common trait of being Canadian, that is where the similarities between them come to an end. Owens will do whatever it takes to ensure that he walks away as the winner, while in the case of Dillinger, he won't stoop to that level.

So a battle between the two at this stage would certainly help Dillinger's stock and allow for some pretty exciting exchanges if they are given the chance.

Owens has his share of championships and accomplishments behind him, so he would add value to a feud and help to legitimise Dillinger. It wouldn't hurt Owens necessarily because a hotly contested feud gets him seen and used.

WWE officials are aware of how good of a worker Dillinger is and know that a feud against Owens will allow the company to strike up the heat on a highly appreciated performer.

#1 Rusev

It would be a true clash in styles if these come to bluel
It would be a true clash of styles if these come to blows

What an intense difference in styles this presents: we have the size, agility and brute strength of Rusev against the hardworking, refined Dillinger. A feud would all be about hope, and how Rusev doesn't just want to destroy the hope a country, but more specifically of Dillinger.

These two likely have not crossed paths unless they did ever so briefly during their time in NXT together. The returning Rusev is in the midst of a feud with Randy Orton, which could also present some interesting and challenging obstacles.

However, we should make no mistake that Rusev's intensity and strength are something that always garners heat from the audience. When we couple his intensity with the desire of Dillinger, we could see a fun and exciting challenge for the Perfect Ten.

We don't necessarily foresee Dillinger winning the war, but just being involved and getting the upper hand occasionally would help his push.

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