WWE Clash of Champions: 5 potential finishes for AJ Styles vs. Jinder Mahal

image via wwe.com Who will walk away winner at Clash of Champions and how will they do it?
Who will walk away as the winner at Clash of Champions and how will they do it?

#2 Jinder Mahal wins via count-out

images via f4wonline.com Mahal could render Styles incapcitated leading to another match at Royal Rumble.
Mahal could render Styles incapacitated leading to another match at Royal Rumble

Another result rooted in frustration, we could see a scenario where Mahal walks away victorious, but not because he pins Styles, but rather renders him incapacitated. Instead of a referee stoppage, this would be an instance where Styles cannot get back in the ring and is counted out.

While a count out win is rather anticlimactic, it is the build for these two to have a blow-off match at the Royal Rumble.

In Mahal's mind, a count out win would be because AJ ‘intentionally saved himself,' knowing a title cannot change hands-on a count out or a disqualification, Mahal could claim that Styles was a coward and knew very well that he would retain that when the going got tough Styles was a ‘phenomenal chicken.'

Styles would have to be beaten down so badly that he couldn't compete, costing him the match.

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