5 Reasons why AJ Styles is the perfect United States Champion

AJ Styles is the new face of America and we all love it!

#4 Taking attention away from US Champion Kenny Omega

WWE may feel threatened by NJPW’s constantly growing popularity

Last weekend, NJPW arrived on American shores and put on a show to remember. Canada’s own Kenny Omega, probably the best wrestler in the world not named AJ Styles, became the first ever United States Champion of the company at this massive event, defeating Tomohiro Ishii in the finals of a tournament to make professional wrestling history.

Since then, he has been the talk of the WWE Universe and the whole professional wrestling fraternity, with Stone Cold Steve Austin even naming him as the guy who can be WWE’s next breakout star.

WWE needed a move to counter the buzz that has been created by NJPW and putting the belt on AJ Styles certainly is a way to achieve the very same. AJ is loved by the same group of die-hard fans that are ‘marks’ for Kenny Omega, and this move should distract them, for the time being.

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