5 reasons why WWE fans should like Roman Reigns

Roman R
Roman Reigns has his fair share of detractors

#3 He’s not a face or a heel

Roman Reigns wasn't a good guy or bad guy against Braun Strowman

Heel and babyface characters are the foundations on which wrestling is built. Without good guys and bad guys, fans would have nobody to cheer, nobody to jeer and matches would probably be met with silence or smatterings of applause.

Looking at Roman Reigns’ five years on WWE’s main roster, he has been both a heel and a babyface character, but he no longer belongs in either one of those categories. As the man himself said: “I’m not a bad guy, I’m not a good guy, I’m The Guy.”

While the Shield member was previously pushed in fans’ faces as an overbearing good guy, his character has altered significantly over the last 18 months and the WWE Universe is no longer being told to like or dislike him.

As proven by his battles with Braun Strowman and John Cena in 2017, WWE is now leaving it up to fans to choose whether or not to cheer for him, and it makes for a refreshing change to watch at least one match every week on Raw that’s not a generic babyface taking on a generic heel.

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