5 Reasons Why WWE Must Grant Roman Reigns Another Rematch For The Universal Title

Roman Reigns,
Does Roman Reigns deserve a rematch?

#4 Opportunity to get him over

CM Punk,
Could CM Punk help Roman Reigns get over with the fans?

Not only is WWE ruining a perfectly good payoff by not having Reigns get his rematch and ultimately defeating Brock Lesnar for The Universal Title, they are also missing a few prime opportunities to get him over as well. While there are still a plethora of ways that WWE can try to get Reigns over, the best strategy would be to have him beat the streak.

Of course, the streak that is being referred to is CM Punk's 2012 streak of 434 days of being WWE champion before being beaten by The Rock at The Royal Rumble. Interestingly enough Brock Lesnar is currently in the 400-day ballpark and will be able to beat Punk's streak in just over a month.

With that being said and The WWE Universe still harboring bad feelings about CM Punk's exit from The WWE, wouldn't it be the perfect opportunity for Reigns to end the streak short of Punk's historic mark and start a title run of his own? Would that be enough to put him over the top and finally get the reception from fans that he deserves?